[R-sig-Geo] How to mask out
Tue Jan 4 12:29:14 CET 2005
I am traying to interpolate several rainfalls
data over the Iberian Peninsula and display the
results over a map of the Peninsula. I have used
the akima package to make the interpolation and
the maps package to draw the map. My cuestion is
whow may I mask out the output of the interp.new
function (with extrapolation) with the iberian
Peninsula map provided by the map package in
order to restrict the image to the Iberian
Peninsula ? . Any suggestions are wellcome
Thank in advance for your help
José Agustín García
Departamento de Física, Universidad de Extremadura
06071 Badajoz, Spain
Tfn. +34-924-289536, Fax. +34-924-289651, email agustin at unex.es
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