[R-sig-Geo] How to get each bandwidth values on observation points using adaptive kernel in spgwr ?

Hisaji ONO hi_ono2001 at yahoo.co.jp
Tue Aug 23 08:30:47 CEST 2005


 I have two question about latest spgwr package.

 First, I've modified gwr function's example a little and
tried to get each bandwidth values on observation points
using adaptive kernel in spgwr as follows.

  col.bw <- gwr.sel(crime ~ income + housing,
    coords=cbind(columbus$x, columbus$y))
  col.gauss <- gwr(crime ~ income + housing,
    coords=cbind(columbus$x, columbus$y),
bandwidth=col.bw, hatmatrix=TRUE)

  I've got a value of "col.gauss$bandwidth."

  However this result was "null."

  How to get bandwidth values on observation points?

  And another question about spgwr. How to use
gwr.morantest function? It can work?


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