[R-sig-Geo] spgwr's gwr.whole.test's error on rw1090

Danlin Yu danlinyu at csd.uwm.edu
Tue May 18 21:58:45 CEST 2004

Hi, Hisaji ONO:
    Just an add-on. Since the warning message indicates that package 'mva'
and 'ctest' have been merged into 'stats', when you are altering the
source code, you can also replace all 'mva' and 'ctest' with 'stats'.

On Wed, 19 May 2004, Hisaji ONO wrote:

> Hello.
>  I've tried to run example(gwr.whole.test).
>  I've got following errors.
> gwr.whole.test(col.gauss)
> Loading required package: ctest
> Test of GWR model called as:
> gwr(formula = crime ~ income + housing, data = columbus, coords =
> cbind(columbus$x,
>     columbus$y), bandwidth = col.bw)
>         Shapiro-Wilk normality test
> data:  crime
> W = 0.9722, p-value = 0.2956
> Brunsdon, Fotheringham & Charlton (1999) ANOVA table
> Error: 'print.coefmat' is defunct.
> See ?Defunct.
> In addition: Warning messages:
> 1: package 'mva' has been merged into 'stats'
> 2: NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value
> 3: package 'ctest' has been merged into 'stats'
>  Could you teach me how to resolve this?
>  Regards.
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    Danlin Yu

Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Geography
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Tel: (414)229-5818
Fax: (414)229-3981
Email: danlinyu at uwm.edu

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