[R-sig-Geo] output gstat and maps

Edzer J. Pebesma e.pebesma at geog.uu.nl
Thu Jan 15 11:20:08 CET 2004

Mmm, yeah, the trouble is that R is not a GIS, and
GMT and ArcView are no statistics packages.

I think you can import shapefiles using packages
maptools, and perhaps Rmap (not on CRAN?).
I imaging you can then plot the values with


and add polygons to the plot with the plot
commands in maptools, using the add=TRUE

levelplot, which I like much more because it
draws a legend, can currently not do this
easily (i.e., without customizing panel functions);
has anyone looked into this?

Marcelo Bruno wrote:

> Hi, members
> I'm Marcelo, oceanographer from Brazil
> and actually work with fishery acoustical data
> of brazilian shelf. I'm using R, GMT, ArcView (windows)
> in Linux redhat 9.0 (Athlon Xp 1.6Ghz, 20Gb 540mb mem).
> I run kriging analysis using gstat (R1.8.1) in
> fishery acoustic data:
> x     y     sa (backscatering acoustic parameter)
> the output is ordinary kriging surface.
> I need overlap these output to a map of
> Brazil coastal shelf and slope but i don't
> make this. I have a file (ascii) of Brazil coastal,
> and shapefile. Someone can helps me with this
> problem? I try in gimp, kpaint and others but i
> need a better solution to learn more in R.
> Thanks in advance!
> Marcelo
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