[R-sig-Geo] Re: About adaptive spatial kernel for spgwr

Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Thu Jan 15 08:10:18 CET 2004

> Hello, Professor Bivand.
> Currently I summaries GWR using Fotheringham et al. 's GWR
> book(Wiley).
> Although current spgwr has no support of adaptive spatial kernel, I'd
> like to add this kernel in it.
> But for me it's not enough to implement this only reading page 46's
> footnote in this books

When Chris Brunsdon and I were in Lucca last September, some coding was
done, although it isn't yet ready for release. Some more work needs to
be done, also to introduce geographically weighted statistical summary
measures. The code does include the k-nearest neighbours adaptive kernel
used in GWR in some cases. If others would like to join in, I could
start a sourceforge project if you like.


> Could you give any hint for implementing adaptive spatial kernel to
> me?
>  Regards.

Roger Bivand
NHH, Breiviksveien 40, N-5045 Bergen, Norway

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