[R-sig-Geo] R-sig-Geo: Moran'I

Danlin Yu danlinyu at csd.uwm.edu
Tue Dec 16 05:36:55 CET 2003

Hi, Carlos:

    In Professor Roger Bivand's last email, I think he has already pointed
out that k is the number of nearest neighbors which you will use to
determine the point adjacency relationship.
    Then it becomes natural that when you change the value of k, Moran's I
will change as well. Since it changes the weight matrix in calculating
Moran's I.
    Indeed, the meaning of those parameters is well explained in the
accompanied manual spdep.pdf, which you could downloaded for free from
CRAN. Or you can just type help(knearneigh) within R for the same
    Hope this helps.

On Mon, 15 Dec 2003, cuartas oquendo carlos humberto wrote:

> Hello, 
> Now, I am working with Moran’I.
> When I use knearneigh(x,k) of spdep package,
> What’s the meaning of k?
> Why  Moran’I change when I change k?
> Thank in advance
> Carlos H. Cuartas O.
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    Danlin Yu, Ph.D. Candidate
    Department of Geography
    University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
    Tel: (414)229-5818
    Fax: (414)229-3981
    Email: danlinyu at uwm.edu

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