[R-sig-Geo] How to create generalized spatial weight matrix in R

Susumu TANIMURA/谷村 晋 stanimura-ngs at umin.ac.jp
Wed Dec 3 21:16:35 CET 2003

Hi, Roger Bivand,

It is very happy to get response from the author of spdep.  The idea
to use the boundary length proportions from a Voronoi diagram instead
of polygon borders is ingenious for me.

Since  tripack or deldir seems to be related to voronoi diagram in
current library of R, I am going to check these.  Do you have any
other suggestions?

> > I have enjoyed Moran's I with spdep package, but I found
> > nb2listw() supported only binary spatial weight matrix and its
> > standardized one.
> > 
> See the glist argument to nb2listw() for the way to insert
> generalised weights, such as inverse distance.

I overlooked the glist. You gave us example in help, so I now know how
to make generalized spatial wight matrix from any other list.

> > Other than R, which software can create generalized spatial weight
> > matrix?
> On Windows, you could try GeoDa.

Ummm, I am a Linux user.

Thank you.

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