[R-sig-Geo] How to create generalized spatial weight matrix in R

Susumu Tanimura stanimura-ngs at umin.ac.jp
Wed Dec 3 01:49:39 CET 2003

Hi there,

Dose any one tell me how to create a following generalized spatial
weight matrix in R?

w_{ij}=(l_{ij}/\sum_{j \in J}l_{ij})/d_{ij} (i=1,...,n)

l_{ij} is length of shared  border of area i and area j. d_{ij} is
centroid to centroid distance.

I have enjoyed Moran's I with spdep package, but I found nb2listw()
supported only binary spatial weight matrix and its standardized one.

Other than R, which software can create generalized spatial weight

Thank you in advance.

Susumu Tanimura <stanimura-ngs at umin.ac.jp>
Dept. of Soico-environmental Medicine
Institute of Tropical Medicine
Nagasaki University, Japan

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