<br><br>I cannot get quantstrat's luxor.8 periodic optimization & walk-forward procedure, in the demos working.<br>
<br><br>The idea being akin to the following diagram:<br><br>http://www.tradestation.com/trading-technology/tradestation-platform/analyze/walk-forward-optimizer<br><br><br>The error I get is,<br><br>Error in if (!all(i <= 0)) stop("only zeros may be mixed with negative subscripts") : <br> missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed <br>
<br><br>If anybody can please email a working program.<br>
<br><br><br>Otherwise, what I am really after is a demo with the workflow: <br> - a simple vanilla technical stratgey - I can do<br> - In-sample optimization of parameter(s) of simple strategy, Out-of-sample run - I can do<br> - periodic optimization & walk-forward procedure <br><br><br><br><br>Amarjit<br><br><br><br>