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<p>Hi everyone,</p>
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<p>1st question :</p>
<p>I am currently working on IBrokers and I don't understant how the data are assigned in the eWrapper environment.</p>
<p>For instance, you have eventWrapper$get.Data("bidPrice"). I don't understant in which part of the code bidPrice is assigned to the environment.</p>
<p>2 nd question :</p>
<p>I would like to save bid/ask quotes for multiple underlying in a SQL Database in real time. What is the best way to implement this thing ?</p>
<p>I know that I have to modify eWrapper to save data in the environment as I like and then take these data and save it in my SQL Database (but where).</p>
<p>3 rd question :</p>
<pre>Why I cant see the function `e_open_order`in my R environment even its called inside IBrokers function ?<br />This function can be found on http://ibrokers.googlecode.com/svn-history/r91/trunk/R/eventHandlers.R</pre>
<p>4 th question :</p>
<p>I feel that I lack some theoritical background in computer science. Do you any advice or book for upgrading my knowledge in this field ?</p>
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