[R-SIG-Finance] Data

Fianu, Emmanuel Senyo emm@nue|@@enyo @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Mar 19 04:32:15 CET 2021

Dear All,

Please, I am working on raw financial data and would  like to have the data
cleaned. I am working on it a bit further and will be very grateful for any
idea or support. Below are my codes and results.
I would like to have the numbers  after the semi-columns separate.

Strike <- sapply(Strike[], trimws) # löscht überflüssige Leerzeichen
Strike <- Strike[-1] # löscht die erste Zeile

 CAP ATM Fwd: -0.49%                SWT 0.50% fwd: 0.05%
              "CAP ATM Fwd: -0.49%"              "SWT 0.50% fwd: 0.05%"
        CAP ATM Fwd: -0.46%                SWT 0.50% fwd: 0.08%
              "CAP ATM Fwd: -0.46%"              "SWT 0.50% fwd: 0.08%"
        CAP ATM Fwd: -0.40%                SWT 0.50% fwd: 0.11%
              "CAP ATM Fwd: -0.40%"              "SWT 0.50% fwd: 0.11%"
        CAP ATM Fwd: -0.32%                SWT 0.50% fwd: 0.14%
              "CAP ATM Fwd: -0.32%"              "SWT 0.50% fwd: 0.14%"
        CAP ATM Fwd: -0.23%                SWT 0.50% fwd: 0.17%
              "CAP ATM Fwd: -0.23%"              "SWT 0.50% fwd: 0.17%"
        CAP ATM Fwd: -0.14%                SWT 0.50% fwd: 0.20%
              "CAP ATM Fwd: -0.14%"              "SWT 0.50% fwd: 0.20%"
        CAP ATM Fwd: -0.05%                SWT 0.50% fwd: 0.23%
              "CAP ATM Fwd: -0.05%"              "SWT 0.50% fwd: 0.23%"
         CAP ATM Fwd: 0.07%                SWT 0.50% fwd: 0.25%
               "CAP ATM Fwd: 0.07%"              "SWT 0.50% fwd: 0.25%"

Many thanks

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