[R-SIG-Finance] Issues fitting basic models with rmgarch
Ezequiel Antar
ezequ|e|@@nt@r @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Feb 10 13:59:02 CET 2021
Hello. Any help with the issues below would be much appreciated!
# There are two main issues with rmgarch::cgarchfit
# 1) I cannot reconcile the correlations and likelihood in some (basic)
# 2) I cannot use a marginal model with no estimated parmeters (constant
vol, normal, and zero mean)
rm(list = ls())
z.t <- dji30retw[, 1:2]
# 1) Cannot reconcile the correlations and likelihood: an example
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Univariate model: z = mu + sigma * N(0,1)
uspec.each <- ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0,0)),
variance.model = list(model = "iGARCH", garchOrder
= c(1,1)),
distribution.model = "norm",
fixed.pars = list(alpha1 = 0, omega = 0))
# Copula model: Gaussian copula, constant correlations
mspec <- cgarchspec(uspec = multispec(replicate(ncol(z.t), uspec.each)),
distribution.model = list(copula = "mvnorm",
time.varying = FALSE, transformation = "parametric"))
cgarch <- cgarchfit(spec = mspec, data = z.t)
# These two likelihoods should be the same, but they are not:
likelihood(cgarch) # 3767.693
sum(dmvnorm(z.t, mean = coef(cgarch, type = 'garch'), sigma =
rcov(cgarch)[,,1], log = TRUE)) # 3771.734
# These two correlations should be the same, but they are not:
rcor(cgarch)[1,2] # 0.4099081
cor(z.t)[1,2] # 0.4170385
# 2) Cannot use a marginal model with no estimated parmeters
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Univariate model: z = 0 + sigma * N(0,1)
uspec.each <- ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0,0)),
variance.model = list(model = "iGARCH", garchOrder
= c(1,1)),
distribution.model = "norm",
fixed.pars = list(mu = 0, alpha1 = 0, omega = 0))
mspec <- cgarchspec(uspec = multispec(replicate(ncol(z.t), uspec.each)),
distribution.model = list(copula = "mvnorm",
time.varying = FALSE, transformation = "parametric"))
# Attempt 1:
# ~~~~~~~~~~
cgarch <- cgarchfit(spec = mspec, data = z.t)
# Error in UseMethod("convergence") :
# no applicable method for 'convergence' applied to an object of class
"c('uGARCHfilter', 'GARCHfilter', 'rGARCH')"
# Note: the problem is that when no parameters are estimated, ugarchfit
(used by cgarchfit) returns an uGARCHfilter instead of uGARCHfit object
# Attempt 2: fit univariate models first, using fit.control = list(fixed.se =
TRUE), so that ugarchfit returns an uGARCHfit object
# ~~~~~~~~~~
mfit <- multifit(multispec = multispec(replicate(ncol(z.t), uspec.each)),
data = z.t, fit.control = list(fixed.se = TRUE))
cgarch <- cgarchfit(spec = mspec, data = z.t, fit = mfit)
# Error in array(x, c(length(x), 1L), if (!is.null(names(x)))
list(names(x), :
# 'data'
must be of a vector type, was 'NULL'
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