[R-SIG-Finance] Empty indicator / plot.window: need finite 'ylim' values

Daniel Cegiełka d@n|e|@ceg|e|k@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Aug 17 20:02:04 CEST 2020

> On 17 Aug 2020, at 19:37, Joshua Ulrich <josh.m.ulrich using gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 12:33 PM Daniel Cegiełka
> <daniel.cegielka using gmail.com <mailto:daniel.cegielka using gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> On 17 Aug 2020, at 04:55, Rasmus Liland <jral using posteo.no> wrote:
>>> Dear Mike,
>>> if I change this line
>>>      plot (chart_Series (sample.xts[,1], subset=subset, TA=ta))
>>> to
>>>      plot(chart_Series(sample.xts[subset,1], TA=ta))
>>> A plot appears.  No errors.  Was this
>>> what you were looking for?
>> Guys :)
>> chart_Series() is a plot env/func, so plot(chart_Series()) make no sense :)
> Except that it is necessary to wrap chart_Series() in a call to plot()
> if you call it from within a function, for loop, or any other
> situation where R's auto-printing is disabled.

I agree, but in this example earlier it was pointless.


> c <- quantmod::current.chob()
> str(c)
Classes 'replot', 'environment' <environment: 0x7f9cbdaa8fd8> 

So print.replot() will call plot.replot() automatically.

> Cheers,
> Josh
>> Try:
>> chart_Series(sample.xts[subset,1], TA=ta)
>> ?chart_Series
>> But your problem is here:
>> sample.xts[subset, 2]
>> Best,
>> Daniel
>>> /Rasmus
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