[R-SIG-Finance] Bollinger Band

Pedro páramo percent||101 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Aug 3 23:43:43 CEST 2020

Sorry I fotgot to paste the code, sorry again:



chartSeries(IBEX, TA="addBBands(n=200, sd=1.9)", theme="white")

El lun., 3 ago. 2020 a las 22:50, Frank (<frankm60606 using gmail.com>) escribió:

> If you could post your data and plot code, I could make more suggestions.
> My  main title is created by
> main="SPY V(1) Parameters (V, V^2 & V^0.5) Unweighted",
> in the below code. Yours might be
> main=”IBEX”
> pdf("V12_w_Scatter_Plot.pdf")
> labels <- c(r2lm2l_label,r2lm2b_label)
> labels
> plot(VV12, Lambda12,  ylim=yrange, tck=1, main="SPY V(1) Parameters (V,
> V^2 & V^0.5) Unweighted", xlab="VV12", ylab="Lambda12 &
> Beta12",pch=19,col="red")
> {points(VV12, lm2.lforecast, pch=19, col="brown")
> abline(lm2.lforecastline, col="brown", lty="longdash", lwd=2)
> points(VV12, Beta12, pch=19, col="blue")
> points(VV12, lm2.bforecast, pch=19, col="purple")
> abline(lm2.bforecastline, col="purple", lty="longdash", lwd=2)
> legend("topright", inset=.05, title="Parameters", labels, col=colors,
> lwd=2)
> }
> Frank
> Chicago
> *From:* R-SIG-Finance *On Behalf Of *Pedro páramo
> *Sent:* Monday, August 03, 2020 3:15 PM
> *To:* r-sig-finance using r-project.org
> *Subject:* [R-SIG-Finance] Bollinger Band
> Hi all,
> I have this code that plots BB, I want both this:
> Add a main title specified by me up on the default title that adds IBEX
> and the date.
> On the other hand, I would like to omit the legend but extract Upper and
> Lower bands in two different values to use latter and add like the title a
> "row" below the plot to add a comment o "sub main title" just below the
> plot and say "attention to the lower band" XXX (extracted value)
> Last question, just below the graph there are some small boxes on a more
> or less row, on grey color, up on the dates but below the graph ¿What are
> this grey boxes? ¿Can I omit?
> Many thanks in advance.
> I attach and example of what I reffer

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