[R-SIG-Finance] Using optimize.portfolio
alexios galanos
@|ex|o@ @end|ng |rom 4d@c@pe@com
Fri Jun 5 23:28:23 CEST 2020
You might (or not) find parma useful (for mainly convex problems):
# with covariance matrix
parmspec <- parmaspec(S = sigma, risk = "EV", riskType = "minrisk", LB =
reslow, UB = reshigh)
parm <- parmasolve(parmspec, solver = "QP")
# with scenario matrix
parmspec <- parmaspec(scenario = returns, risk = "EV", riskType =
"minrisk", LB = reslow, UB = reshigh)
parm <- parmasolve(parmspec, solver = "NLP")
# optimal reward to risk (scenario matrix)
parmspec <- parmaspec(scenario = returns, risk = "EV", forecast =
colMeans(returns), riskType = "optimal", LB = reslow, UB = reshigh)
parm <- parmasolve(parmspec)
# optimal reward to risk (covariance matrix)
parmspec <- parmaspec(S = sigma, risk = "EV", forecast =
colMeans(returns), riskType = "optimal", LB = reslow, UB = reshigh)
parm <- parmasolve(parmspec)
On 6/5/20 1:31 PM, Roger Bos wrote:
> Thanks Brian. That should get me started. Appreciate the help.
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2020, 4:05 PM Brian G. Peterson <brian using braverock.com> wrote:
>> Foger,
>> See the vignette for custom moment and objective functions:
>> https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/PortfolioAnalytics/vignettes/custom_moments_objectives.pdf
>> You can simply pass mu and sigma, but you probably want to do a little bit
>> more work to make it more extensible.
>> Hopefully this is enough of a pointer. If not, I can work on an example
>> based on your example later.
>> Regards,
>> Brian
>> --
>> Brian G. Peterson
>> ph: +1.773.459.4973
>> im: bgpbraverock
>> On Fri, 2020-06-05 at 14:16 -0400, Roger Bos wrote:
>> All,
>> I am comparing optimize.portfolio from the PortfolioAnalytics package to
>> portfolio.optim from the tseries package. portfolio.optim seems a bit
>> easier to use, but I like the set up of optimize.portfolio. I have created
>> a minimal reprex below that compares the output of both in case that helps
>> answer my questions.
>> Here are my two primary questions:
>> 1) What if I wanted to pass a custom covariance matrix to
>> optimize.portfolio, like from a risk model. Is that possible? I can pass
>> it to portfolio.optim because covmat is one of the parameters.
>> 2) What if I wanted to pass forecasted returns to optimize.portfolio? How
>> would that be done.
>> If there is anything that can be improved in this example, that would be
>> helpful as well. Thank you in advance for any assistance, Roger.
>> ###
>> library(PortfolioAnalytics)
>> library(tidyquant)
>> symbols <-
>> getYahooReturns <- function(symbols, return_column = "Ad") {
>> returns <- list()
>> for (symbol in symbols) {
>> getSymbols(symbol, from = '2000-01-01', adjustOHLC = TRUE, env =
>> .GlobalEnv, auto.assign = TRUE)
>> return <- Return.calculate(Ad(get(symbol)))
>> colnames(return) <- gsub("\\.Adjusted", "", colnames(return))
>> returns[[symbol]] <- return
>> }
>> returns <- do.call(cbind, returns)
>> return(returns)
>> }
>> returns <- getYahooReturns(symbols)
>> returns <- returns[-1, ]
>> returns[is.na(returns)] <- 0
>> # portfolio.optim from tseries package
>> library(tseries)
>> sigma <- cov(returns)
>> reslow <- rep(0, ncol(returns))
>> reshigh <- rep(1, ncol(returns))
>> popt <- portfolio.optim(x = returns, covmat = sigma, reslow = reslow,
>> reshigh = reshigh)
>> popt$pw
>> pspec <- portfolio.spec(assets = symbols)
>> pspec <- add.constraint(portfolio=pspec, type="box",
>> min = 0, max = 1, min_sum = 0.99, max_sum = 1.01)
>> pspec <- add.objective(portfolio=pspec,
>> type="return",
>> name="mean")
>> pspec <- add.objective(portfolio=pspec,
>> type="risk",
>> name="var")
>> opt <- optimize.portfolio(R = returns,
>> portfolio = pspec,
>> optimize_method = "DEoptim", )
>> data.frame(optimize.portfolio = opt$weights, portfolio.optim =
>> round(popt$pw, 3))
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