[R-SIG-Finance] Questions about IBrokers package
Johan Palleschitz
p@||e@ch|tz @end|ng |rom out|ook@com
Mon May 4 14:21:20 CEST 2020
Good afternoon Duke,
Happy to read your input below. I am by no means in a position answer your questions below, but i would be happy to help, test and see how we can expand the usability.
I am currently stuck on finding a clever solution to pull greeks and simulate option holdings.
Let me know if you need any inputs!
Wish everyone a nice day!
Johan Palleschitz, FRM
+356 9999 9714
> On 4 May 2020, at 04:36, Duke Vane <marine1vane using gmail.com> wrote:
> Good day,
> I have been using the IBrokers package for a few years now and as my coding
> skill has gotten better I have decided now is the time to start
> contributing to Open Source code that I have found valuable. I am an
> economist and while I have had to program functions from time to time it is
> not a mainstay of the job. However, the stay at home order has given me
> room to make programming a mainstay.
> To help me get started I'd like to confirm if I am correct on the following:
> IBrokers does not use Roxygen2 to generate the help documentation, right? I
> am reading Hadley Wickhams R-Packages book and he creates documentation
> differently. Since my first contributions would be along the lines of
> expanding the documentation I want to know if I can use the style from
> R-Packages, or if I have to conform to the .Rd style I see when I clone the
> IBrokers repo.
> Even more importantly would you mind if I tried to help contribute to the
> IBrokers package? I use the TWS platform everyday and hopefully can solve
> some of the open issues with some guidance.
> Thank you,
> --
> Duke
> *"Don't give up. Everything worth doing is hard."*
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