[R-SIG-Finance] ugarchroll with moving window - failed to invert hessian
Michal Maganlal
m|ch@|hm @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Apr 25 17:58:20 CEST 2019
I'm currently finishing my master thesis in Forecasting with ARMA-GARCH
models but I'm having some trouble forecasting with moving windows using
I'm trying to run the following code:
# GARCH(1,1) - t-student
specgarch11n = ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0,0),
include.mean = TRUE, archm=TRUE, archpow=2),
variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH",
distribution.model = "std")
fitgarch11n <- ugarchfit(specgarch11n, data = returns_eurusd)
#---Moving Window Forecast---
forecast1 <- ugarchroll(specgarch11n, n.ahead = 1, forecast.length = 1507,
refit.window = "moving", window.size = 250, refit.every = 250,
data = returns_eurusd, solver = "hybrid")
View(forecast1 using forecast$density$Sigma)
After running it I get the following error:
Warning messages:
1: In .makefitmodel(garchmodel = "sGARCH", f = .sgarchLLH, T = T, m = m, :
rugarch-->warning: failed to invert hessian
2: In .makefitmodel(garchmodel = "sGARCH", f = .sgarchLLH, T = T, m = m, :
rugarch-->warning: failed to invert hessian
3: In .makefitmodel(garchmodel = "sGARCH", f = .sgarchLLH, T = T, m = m, :
rugarch-->warning: failed to invert hessian
4: In .rollfdensity(spec = spec, data = data, n.ahead = n.ahead,
forecast.length = forecast.length, :
non-converged estimation windows present...resubsmit object with
different solver parameters...
I have tried to follow Alexios suggestions on this post but nothing seems
to work:
Can someone please help me solving this issue?
Kind regards,
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