[R-SIG-Finance] Error plotting a zoo object
Joshua Ulrich
jo@h@m@ulrich @ending from gm@il@com
Sat Nov 17 15:35:50 CET 2018
Hi Baki,
Please follow the posting guide and use plain text. Your HTML message was
Here's a simple example that reproduces the behavior:
bist100 <- getSymbols("XU100.IS", from="2011-01-01")
bist100 <- Cl(XU100.IS)
bist100na <- na.approx(bist100)
ggplot(bist100na, aes(x = date, y = XU100.IS.Close)) + geom_line()
You get an error because "date" is a function in 'base'.
You can either use 'autoplot()`:
Or you can fortify the object yourself, but then you have to name the `x`
and `y` columns correctly. By default, the xts/zoo index is put in a
column named "Index". So the ggplot() call would look like:
ggplot(fortify(bist100na), aes(x = Index, y = XU100.IS.Close)) + geom_line()
It is also very easy to use xts or zoo plotting via the plot() function:
Hope that helps.
On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 5:34 PM Baki UNAL via R-SIG-Finance <
r-sig-finance using r-project.org> wrote:
> Hello
> My code is:
> library(quantmod)library(tseriesChaos)library(nonlinearTseries)library(zoo)library(ggplot2)
> bist100 <- getSymbols("XU100.IS", from="2011-01-01")
> bist100 <- XU100.IS$XU100.IS.Close
> bist100na <- na.approx(bist100)
> bist100norm <- (bist100na - (min(bist100na)))/(max(bist100na) -
> min(bist100na))
> my_rqa_det <- function(mydata) { rqa.analysis=rqa(time.series = mydata,
> embedding.dim=11, time.lag=1,
> radius=0.05,lmin=2,do.plot=FALSE,distanceToBorder=2) mydet <-
> rqa.analysis$DET return(mydet)}
> rollbist100norm<- rollapply(bist100norm, 260, my_rqa_det, by.column =
> TRUE, align = "right")
> rollbist100normna <- na.omit(rollbist100norm)
> ggplot(rollbist100normna, aes(x = date, y = det)) + geom_line()
> I tried to plot "rollbist100normna" in the last line but I got the
> following error:
> Don't know how to automatically pick scale for object of type function.
> Defaulting to continuous.Don't know how to automatically pick scale for
> object of type function. Defaulting to continuous.Error: Columns `x`, `y`
> must be 1d atomic vectors or listsCall `rlang::last_error()` to see a
> backtrace
> How can I fix this problem?
> Best regards.
> Baki
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Joshua Ulrich | about.me/joshuaulrich
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R/Finance 2018 | www.rinfinance.com
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