[R-SIG-Finance] rmgarch::Alexios Ghalanos

Amit Mittal prof@@mit@mitt@l @ending from gm@il@com
Wed Aug 22 18:24:40 CEST 2018

Does anyone have the workaround for or a working copy of rmgarch with the
plot function working after updating the R packages to 3.5.1?

I am using pairwise cmd as suggested workaround to get some output

plot(rmdcc.fit, which=1, series=c(2,6))

Error in mtext(paste("rmgarch  : DCC model fit"), side = 4, adj = 0,
padj = 0,  :

  plot.new has not been called yet

My final goal is to get multiple plots on the same graph so I can point to
common regimes before and after the crises

My data set uses n indices from 37 indices (n>10) I have been unable to use
score models in multivariate specification because I do not have the
required package name

The rmgarch functions respond fast on both dccfit and cgarchfit but the
plot fn it seems to longer works , as seen on various R forums

I get a plot.new() not called error which seems to be however a syntax

I am using

`plot(dccfitobj.2019)` as suggested by zivot (EE502 presentation on uwash)

And am also ready to try if plot or ggplot2 can work with the @mfit/@model


Make a plot selection (or 0 to exit):

1:   Conditional Mean (vs Realized Returns)

2:   Conditional Sigma (vs Realized Absolute Returns)

3:   Conditional Covariance

4:   Conditional Correlation

5:   EW Portfolio Plot with conditional density VaR limits

Selection: 3

Error in mtext(paste("rmgarch  : DCC model fit"), side = 4, adj = 0,
padj = 0,  :

  plot.new has not been called yet

> ################################################################################

Amit Mittal
Ph.D. in Finance and Accounting (tbd)
Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow
Mob: +91 7899381263


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