[R-SIG-Finance] Error using Performance Analytics package

Joshua Ulrich josh.m.ulrich at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 14:00:04 CET 2018

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On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 7:52 AM, Pankaj K Agarwal via R-SIG-Finance
<r-sig-finance at r-project.org> wrote:
> Dear all,I am using a dataset of monthly asset returns. I subset it with window() call of package zoo. When i try to compute Modified VaR on this subset, i am getting the following error:
> Error in dimnames(cd) <- list(as.character(index(x)), colnames(x)) :   'dimnames' applied to non-array
> Can someone help? I googled it a lot but still nothing seems to be working.
> Regards,
> Pankaj K Agarwal
> +91-98397-11444http://in.linkedin.com/in/pankajkagarwal/
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R/Finance 2018 | www.rinfinance.com

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