[R-SIG-Finance] Books on R & Finance

Nelson Wong nelsonyswong at live.com
Wed Oct 25 17:53:40 CEST 2017

You're most welcome Ramos. Here're 2 books of mine which I left out earlier in the previous post:

  1.  An Introduction to Analysis of Financial Data with R. Wiley. 2013.
  2.  Automated Trading with R. Quantitative Research and Platform Development. Apress. 2016.


Nelson Wong

From: Henrique Ramos <hpramos4 at gmail.com>
Sent: 25 October 2017 10:54
To: Nelson Wong
Cc: r-sig-finance at r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R-SIG-Finance] Books on R & Finance

Thanks for that list, Wong.

Another one:  Processing and Analyzing Financial Data with R. Free book available in the following links:

pafdR - Google Sites<https://sites.google.com/view/pafdR/home>
Welcome to the book site for Processing and Analyzing Financial Data with R, by Marcelo S. Perlin. Here you can find the following information:


Processing and Analyzing Financial Data with R<https://msperlin.github.io/pafdR/>
Welcome! Welcome to the book site of Processing and Analyzing Financial Data with R. Here you can find the full online content of the book. The book is also available ...

2017-10-24 23:01 GMT-02:00 Nelson Wong <nelsonyswong at live.com<mailto:nelsonyswong at live.com>>:

Just sharing a list of books which I have on R & Business/Finance, with worked example in R & respective packages, with regard to the recent discussion on R packages in finance. Later editions may be available.

  1.  Financial Analytics with R. Building a Laptop Laboratory for Data Science. Cambridge University Press. 2016.
  2.  Statistics and Data Analysis for Financial Engineering. Springer. 2011.
  3.  Financial Risk Modelling and Portfolio Optimization with R. Second Edition. Wiley. 2016.
  4.  Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach. Apress. 2017.
  5.  Introduction to R for Quantitative Finance. Packt. 2013.
  6.  Mastering R for Quantitative Finance. Packt. 2015.


Nelson Wong


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Henrique P. Ramos

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