[R-SIG-Finance] Blotter returns question, portfolio vs account
Bos, Roger
roger.bos at rothschild.com
Fri May 5 17:27:56 CEST 2017
I am looking into calculating portfolio and/or account returns using blotter. (I am also trying to learn better the difference between portfolios and accounts.) So I created a simple example pasted below. I get a portfolio return of 6.9% which matches my manual calculation, but I get an account return of -2.0%, so I asking why that might be? The table below shows the portfolio returns, the account returns, and account returns I calculated myself and the account returns I calculated myself match pretty closely to the portfolio returns:
> cbind(portfolio_rets, account_rets, account_test)
IBM.DailyEndEq e1 End.Eq
1950-01-01 NA NA NA
2017-01-03 NA NA 0.00716868674699
2017-01-04 0.01963852409639 0.00526341880180 0.01238108125628
2017-01-05 -0.00337348192771 -0.01564818890663 -0.00330850771915
2017-01-06 0.00500001204819 0.00840183742261 0.00491998823213
2017-01-09 -0.01132533132530 -0.01624412256496 -0.01108951224615
2017-01-10 -0.01283126506024 -0.00152318430183 -0.01270498106907
2017-01-11 0.01343371084337 0.02660636928014 0.01347266762995
2017-01-12 0.00120480120482 -0.01206680763400 0.00119223248882
2017-01-13 -0.00367470481928 -0.00487363426366 -0.00363203936229
2017-01-17 0.00331327108434 0.00701374936220 0.00328673965069
2017-01-18 -0.00656624096386 -0.00984688664341 -0.00649232239259
2017-01-19 0.00006021084337 0.00667025027784 0.00005992206127
2017-01-20 0.02253015060241 0.02246858690647 0.02242074842540
2017-01-23 0.00289154216867 -0.01920589668888 0.00281440041956
2017-01-24 0.02933731927711 0.02636952850479 0.02847450756285
2017-01-25 0.01439758433735 -0.01451393499485 0.01358726027017
2017-01-26 0.00222898192771 -0.01199589056355 0.00207533240522
2017-01-27 -0.00819277710843 -0.01039858078750 -0.00761222976352
2017-01-27 -0.00000001807229 NA NA
2017-01-27 NA 0.00826043493841 -0.00000001692047
2017-01-30 0.00000000000000 0.00000001807229 0.00000000000000
2017-01-31 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
I tried to figure it out discrepancy with AcctReturns by running the code in AcctReturns interactively, but it uses a non-exported function called .getBySymbol, so I got stuck there.
While I am here, I would be happy to get some advice. If I want to calculate the returns for three strategies, say a small cap fund, mid cap fund, and large cap fund, should I have 3 portfolios in one account or 3 accounts each with one portfolio? I am leaning towards the latter, but then I am wondering why the difference between portfolio and account?
if(!exists(".instrument")) .instrument <<- new.env()
if(!exists(".blotter")) .blotter <<- new.env()
symbols = c("IBM")
for(symbol in symbols){ # establish tradable instruments
stock(symbol, currency="USD", multiplier=1)
getSymbols(symbols, from='2017-01-01', to='2017-01-31', src='yahoo', index.class=c("POSIXt","POSIXct"))
initPortf("p", symbols=symbols, currency="USD")
## Trades must be made in date order.
addTxn(Portfolio = "p", Symbol = "IBM", TxnDate = '2017-01-03', TxnQty = 1, TxnPrice = 166, TxnFees = 00)
addTxn("p", "IBM", '2017-01-27', -1, 177.30, TxnFees = 0)
initAcct(name="a", portfolios="p", initEq=166, currency="USD")
portfolio_rets <- PortfReturns(Account="a", Dates="2017", Portfolios="p")
account_rets <- AcctReturns(Account="a", Dates="2017", Portfolios="p")
p = getPortfolio("p")
a = getAccount("a")
account_test <- CalculateReturns(a$summary$End.Eq)
cbind(portfolio_rets, account_rets, account_test)
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