[R-SIG-Finance] apply

Diego Peroni diegoperoni at vodafone.it
Fri Jan 27 19:04:46 CET 2017

Hi everybody,

I'm running last quantstrat build from a couple of days on a CentOS 
server (128GB ram, 6 core XEON):

Version: *0.9.1739*| Last change: *2016-04-17 20:25:28+02*| Rev.: *1748


results = apply.paramset(my.strategy, paramset.label = "OPT",
                           portfolio=my.strategy, account=my.strategy, 
nsamples=0, calc='slave', audit=NULL, verbose=FALSE)
*This new release crashes in few minutes with just 500 combinations 
because memory allocation ***increases *of each single process very very 

**It never happened to me with this simple strategy before quantstrat 
Someone can help me?*

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