[R-SIG-Finance] Error:subscript out of bounds: no column name containing "Close

Ramesh ramesh.athreya at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 05:55:18 CEST 2016

I have downloaded the time series of crude oil in to R ( from a local excel
file(csv/text tab delimited) in C drive)and the data ( OHLC) is being
displayed in my R.Studio.
Am able to ascertain the Fibonacci pivot levels ( using a custom program
that I have developed). But when I use package Quantmod and try to
calculate the values using MACD,RSI etc,I get an error  *subscript out of
bounds: no column name containing "Close" *
I googled and found that many R users have  asked help for this issue in
the past.By and large this question looks to be remaining unresolved.
Can you please help me with a solution?
Thanks in advance
With Best Regards,

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