[R-SIG-Finance] Coherent Datafeed R Package for Thomson Reuters Elektron version 1.0.8 Released Today

Thomas Fuller thomas.fuller at coherentlogic.com
Mon Aug 22 16:12:54 CEST 2016

Hi Folks,

We have a new version of the Coherent Datafeed R Package for working with
the Thomson Reuters Elektron platform available for download here:


Version 1.0.8 has many changes, bug fixes, and performance improvements.

The release page includes a short video that covers the installation and
usage of the package, pictures of time series data rendered in R, and
results of some performance tests that were conducted recently.

If you're interested in the Java API for working with Elektron, which is
used internally by this package, several modules have been added -- they

- *db-int* for persisting data to any database supported by the Java
Persistence API (JPA).
- *jms-int* for sending updates to an implementation of the Java Messaging
Service, such as HornetQ.
- *spark-int* for streaming data to Apache Spark.

The spark-int module should be finished this week and then the Java
dependencies will be made available on Maven Central.

Questions and comments are welcomed.

*LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasfuller>*

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