[R-SIG-Finance] Reading the GSW spot rates from fed 2006 website

Mahmoud Shammaa mshammaa at uchicago.edu
Mon Oct 12 00:02:57 CEST 2015

Does anyone have any tips or suggestions regarding reading the rates that
Gurkaynak, Sack and Wright are updating on this website:
While I know how to scrape an html page the issue is that they have the
pages going from oldest to newest so It is not easily apparent where the
latest data is:
As of right now it is on page 29...

the problem is that this will change
What is even more frustrating that if you go to
data exists but it is not clear in what sequence ... it seems to be draft

So I am not sure if anyone on this list has recommendations regarding
unruly webpages ..

Mido Shammaa

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