[R-SIG-Finance] Failure of solve.QP in portfolio modeling

Enrico Schumann es at enricoschumann.net
Tue Sep 22 16:56:44 CEST 2015

On Tue, 22 Sep 2015, aschmid1 <aschmid1 at stevens.edu> writes:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm trying to estimate optimal Markowitz portfolio weights for a list
> of stocks chosen upon some criterion using solve.QP from quadprog
> library. When the number of stocks N reaches some limit, I get a
> message "matrix D in quadratic function is not positive definite." For
> example, if I rebalance every 6 weeks (which implies that variance is
> calculated for 6-week interval prior to the period for which I
> calculate portfolio weights), I can get solution for 25>=N<50. For
> 12-week interval, solution exists for 50>=N<100, and for 24-week
> interval, I can get solution for N=100. My attempt to remedy this
> problem with Higham's method doesn't help. I'll greatly appreciate you
> input: first, why this may happen (can there be lack of local
> minimum?), and second, whether there are R solvers that may need only
> semi positive definite matrix.
> Thanks! Alec

The thing you may want to look up is the "rank" of a matrix.

For instance, I create a small data set R -- suppose these were
daily-returns data of 10 equities.

  na   <- 10 ## number of assets
  nobs <- 10 ## number of observations

  R <- array(rnorm(nobs * na, sd = 0.01), dim = c(nobs, na))

The rank of the covariance matrix is only 9; you need na+1 observations
to get full rank. You can still compute the standard deviation of a

  ew <- rep(1/na, na) ## equal-weight portfolio
  sqrt(ew %*% cov(R) %*% ew)

But with a non-full rank matrix and no constraints, it is guaranteed
that you have portfolios like this one:

  zerovol <- svd(cov(R))$v[,10]
  sqrt(abs(zerovol %*% cov(R) %*% zerovol))

You get a zero-volatility portfolio.

Whether that matters depends on your application. With constraints,
perhaps not.

An example in which it does not matter is in Section "1.3
Redundant assets" in

There you also have an example of a solver. A lengthier discussion is in
Section "13.2.5 Repairing Matrices" in this book

  title        = {Numerical Methods and Optimization in Finance},
  publisher    = {Elsevier/Academic Press},
  year         = 2011,
  author       = {Gilli, Manfred and Maringer, Dietmar and Schumann,

of which [disclosure], I am a co-author.

Enrico Schumann
Lucerne, Switzerland

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