[R-SIG-Finance] checkBlotterUpdate fails on quantstrat
Erol Biceroglu
erol.biceroglu at alumni.utoronto.ca
Tue Jul 21 02:53:05 CEST 2015
I've been playing around with quanstrat and was looking forward to running
*apply.paramset()* to optimize the strategy's parameters, only to find an
empty set of results.
(Please note, my actual code follows after my message)
After investigating, I found that *checkBlotterUpdate* fails with the
> checkBlotterUpdate(tradeStrategy,tradeStrategy)
[1] "portfolio P&L doesn't match sum of symbols P&L"
[1] "portfolio P&L doesn't match account P&L"
Upon further investigation, I'm unable to run the following:
> tradeStats(tradeStrategy)
Warning message:
In tradeStats(tradeStrategy) : TotalNetProfit NA forSPY
When I run this line (after executing everything), I find that the
"strategy date" (the first date before the beginning of the time series) is
duplicated, and in the 2nd instance, there are NAs in:
I've tried to play around with it and unfortunately I can't figure out what
would cause the duplicate, generate the NA. Any thoughts or feedback would
be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help.
Here's the code:
startDate<-as.Date("1993-02-02", format="%Y-%m-%d")
endDate<-as.Date("2015-07-17", format="%Y-%m-%d")
getSymbols(Symbols = c("SPY", "^VIX")
, verbose=TRUE
, warnings=TRUE
, auto.assign=TRUE
, return.class = "xts"
, index.class = "Date"
,from = startDate
, to = endDate
#set Financial instrument objects
stock(primary_id = c("SPY", "VIX"),currency = "USD")
tradeStrategy <-"SPYVIXStrategy"
#Date, one day before prices
strategyDate <- min(index(SPY)) - 1
VIXThreshold <- 20
PctThreshold <- 0.75
#init portfolio and account
initPortf(name = tradeStrategy
, symbols = "SPY" #as defined in Financial instrument
, initDate = strategyDate)
initAcct(name = tradeStrategy
,portfolios = tradeStrategy
,initDate = strategyDate
,initEq = 10e6 #as.vector(first(SPY$SPY.Close))*NumSh
#order book, and strategy
initOrders(portfolio = tradeStrategy
, initDate = strategyDate
#position limits
addPosLimit(tradeStrategy, symbol = "SPY", strategyDate, maxpos = NumSh,
longlevels = NumSh)
strategy( tradeStrategy, store = TRUE)
#define indicator function
PctStrat <- function(x){
runPercentRank(x=ifelse(diff(x)<0,0,diff(x)),cumulative = FALSE
, ifelse(diff(x)<0,0,diff(x))
, x
names(data) <- c("Percentile", "PositiveDiffs","VIX.Close")
data<-xts(x = sapply(data
), order.by = index(data)
#add indicator
add.indicator(strategy = tradeStrategy
, name = "PctStrat"
, arguments = list( x = quote(VIX$VIX.Close))
, label = "VIXPct"
# >=75th percentile move
add.signal(strategy = tradeStrategy
, name = "sigThreshold"
, arguments = list(column = c("Percentile.VIXPct")
, threshold = quote(PctThreshold) #0.75
, relationship = "gte"
, cross = FALSE
, label = "Pct.gte.3Qt"
#<75th percentile move
add.signal(strategy = tradeStrategy
, name = "sigThreshold"
, arguments = list(column = c("Percentile.VIXPct")
, threshold = quote(PctThreshold) #0.75
, relationship = "lt"
, cross = FALSE
, label = "Pct.lt.3Qt"
#>VIX 20
add.signal(strategy = tradeStrategy
, name = "sigThreshold"
, arguments = list(column = c("VIX.Close.VIXPct")
, threshold = quote(VIXThreshold) #20
, relationship = "gt"
, cross = FALSE
, label = "HighVolatility"
#<=VIX 20
add.signal(strategy = tradeStrategy
, name = "sigThreshold"
, arguments = list(column = c("VIX.Close.VIXPct")
, threshold = quote(VIXThreshold) #20
, relationship = "lte"
, cross = FALSE
, label = "LowVolatility"
#intersect signals
add.signal(strategy = tradeStrategy
, name = "sigAND"
, arguments = list(columns = c("Pct.lt.3Qt", "LowVolatility"),
cross = TRUE)
, label = "Pct.lt.3qt.LowVol"
add.signal(strategy = tradeStrategy
, name = "sigAND"
, arguments = list(columns = c("Pct.lt.3Qt", "HighVolatility"),
cross = FALSE)
, label = "Pct.lt.3qt.HighVol"
add.signal(strategy = tradeStrategy
, name = "sigAND"
, arguments = list(columns = c("Pct.gte.3Qt", "HighVolatility"),
cross = FALSE)
, label = "Pct.gte.3qt.HighVol"
add.signal(strategy = tradeStrategy
, name = "sigAND"
, arguments = list(columns = c("Pct.gte.3Qt", "LowVolatility"),
cross = TRUE)
, label = "Pct.gte.3qt.LowVol"
add.rule(strategy = tradeStrategy
, name = "ruleSignal"
, arguments = list(sigcol="Pct.lt.3qt.LowVol"
, sigval=TRUE
, orderqty=NumSh
, ordertype="market"
, orderside=NULL#"long"
, osFUN = "osMaxPos"
, type = "enter"
add.rule(strategy = tradeStrategy
, name = "ruleSignal"
, arguments = list(sigcol= "HighVolatility" #"Pct.lt.3qt.HighVol"
, sigval=TRUE
, orderqty="all"
, ordertype="market"
, orderside=NULL#"long"
, osFUN = "osMaxPos"
, type = "exit"
add.rule(strategy = tradeStrategy
, name = "ruleSignal"
, arguments = list(sigcol="Pct.gte.3qt.LowVol"
, sigval=TRUE
, orderqty=1
, ordertype="market"
, orderside=NULL#"long"
, osFUN = "osMaxPos"
, type = "exit"
applyStrategy(strategy = tradeStrategy
, portfolios = tradeStrategy
###From Guy Yollin's Slides
checkBlotterUpdate <- function(port.st,account.st,verbose=TRUE)
ok <- TRUE
p <- getPortfolio(port.st)
a <- getAccount(account.st)
syms <- names(p$symbols)
port.tot <- sum(sapply(syms,FUN = function(x) eval(parse(
port.sum.tot <- sum(p$summary$Net.Trading.PL)
if( !isTRUE(all.equal(port.tot,port.sum.tot)) ) {
ok <- FALSE
if( verbose )
print("portfolio P&L doesn't match sum of symbols P&L")
initEq <- as.numeric(first(a$summary$End.Eq))
endEq <- as.numeric(last(a$summary$End.Eq))
if( !isTRUE(all.equal(port.tot,endEq-initEq)) ) {
ok <- FALSE
if( verbose )
print("portfolio P&L doesn't match account P&L")
if( sum(duplicated(index(p$summary))) ) {
ok <- FALSE
if( verbose )
print("duplicate timestamps in portfolio summary")
if( sum(duplicated(index(a$summary))) ) {
ok <- FALSE
if( verbose )
print("duplicate timestamps in account summary")
###End Guy Yollin's code
#This fails
, Symbol = "SPY"
#, Dates = "1994::"
#, Dates = "2012::"
,TA = "add_TA(VIX$VIX.Close)"
#Here's an error
#Here's the source of the error, an NA on the 2nd line
End code
Erol Biceroglu
*erol.biceroglu at alumni.utoronto.ca <erol.biceroglu at alumni.utoronto.ca>*
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