[R-SIG-Finance] Weird behavior of getSymbols for symbol PLL and PL

G See gsee000 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 15:19:35 CET 2015

Not reproducible for me.  I've got an older version of R and a newer
version of quantmod

$ R --vanilla -q
> suppressMessages(library(quantmod))
> options("getSymbols.warning4.0"=FALSE)
> getSymbols(c("PLL", "PL"))
[1] "PLL" "PL"
> head(PLL)
           PLL.Open PLL.High PLL.Low PLL.Close PLL.Volume PLL.Adjusted
2007-01-03    35.08    35.19   34.53     34.89     668100        30.77
2007-01-04    34.69    34.74   34.32     34.69     521500        30.60
2007-01-05    34.00    34.25   33.61     33.75    1171600        29.77
2007-01-08    33.72    33.74   33.23     33.71     656700        29.73
2007-01-09    33.90    34.27   33.67     34.21     765000        30.17
2007-01-10    34.00    34.15   33.77     34.07     708000        30.05
> tail(PLL)
           PLL.Open PLL.High PLL.Low PLL.Close PLL.Volume PLL.Adjusted
2015-03-06   101.18   101.85   99.90    100.17     510200       100.17
2015-03-09   100.10   100.42  100.00    100.22     441700       100.22
2015-03-10    98.79    99.67   98.25     98.25     529600        98.25
2015-03-11    98.25    98.37   97.54     97.91     445700        97.91
2015-03-12    98.52    99.75   98.40     99.55     438600        99.55
2015-03-13    99.45    99.79   98.54     99.61     437300        99.61
> head(PL)
           PL.Open PL.High PL.Low PL.Close PL.Volume PL.Adjusted
2007-01-03   47.79   48.56  47.50    47.95    380100       39.01
2007-01-04   47.93   48.30  47.82    48.00    370300       39.05
2007-01-05   48.25   50.45  48.25    50.35   1108300       40.96
2007-01-08   50.17   50.45  49.62    49.76    656300       40.48
2007-01-09   49.74   49.74  49.23    49.61    473200       40.36
2007-01-10   49.48   50.06  49.43    49.67    467100       40.41
> tail(PL)
           PL.Open PL.High PL.Low PL.Close PL.Volume PL.Adjusted
2015-01-23   69.94   69.96  69.94    69.95   1111500       69.95
2015-01-26   69.95   69.95  69.94    69.95    630900       69.95
2015-01-27   69.95   69.98  69.95    69.96    643800       69.96
2015-01-28   69.98   69.98  69.95    69.95    975200       69.95
2015-01-29   69.98   69.98  69.96    69.96    915500       69.96
2015-01-30   69.99   70.01  69.95    69.95   9516700       69.95

> sessionInfo()
R version 3.1.2 (2014-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] quantmod_0.4-3 TTR_0.22-0     xts_0.9-7      zoo_1.7-11

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] grid_3.1.2      lattice_0.20-29


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