[R-SIG-Finance] Quantmod Yahoo ticker download error
Isak Engdahl
isak.engdahl at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 13:33:45 CET 2015
Tickers with - get error when trying to download ZB-PA but not ZBK.
When I manually download it from Yahoo I get this link, that works.
The Quantmod tried to download from this link, which does not exist.
If this part could be replaced "q=q&y=0&z=ZB-PA&x" with "d&ignore" and it
will work both with ZB-PA and ZBK.
Maybe this forum is not the correct place to suggest this improvement,
please point me in right direction.
Maybe someone can help me out to fix this script error?
My script stop writing to the database if one of these tickers get this
error described above (no data exist for symbol ZB-PA to be stored in the
database. Anyone know how to ignore tickers that get this error so the
script can continue to load all tickers that has downloaded data?
Please find attached scripts.
Error when trying to download ticker data from Yahoo Finance for ZB-PA.
*"Downloading ZB-PA*
*Error in download.file(paste(yahoo.URL, "s=", Symbols.name, "&a=", from.m,
: *
* cannot open URL
*In addition: Warning message:*
*In download.file(paste(yahoo.URL, "s=", Symbols.name, "&a=", from.m, :*
* InternetOpenUrl failed: 'The operation timed out'*
*, error - did not download (likely due to rate limiting*
*Downloading ZBK*
*Warning message:*
*In download.file(paste(yahoo.URL, "s=", Symbols.name, "&a=", from.m, :*
* downloaded length 1653 != reported length 200*
*> View(clean.symbols)*
*> "*
> # Save data to MySQL
> library(RMySQL)
> con <- dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(), host="localhost",
user="donedge",password="p at ssw0rd", dbname= "daily")
> # Loop through each symbol
> for (i in 1:nrow(clean.symbols)){
+ symbol <- clean.symbols[i,]$Symbol
+ df = data.frame(Date=index(get(symbol)), coredata(get(symbol)))
+ setNames(df,c("Date","Open","High","Low","Close","Volume","Adjusted"))
+ cat("Storing",symbol,"\n")
+ if(dbExistsTable(con, symbol)){
+ dbRemoveTable(con, symbol)
+ }
+ dbWriteTable(con, name=symbol, value=df, row.names=FALSE, overwrite =
+ }
*Error in get(symbol) : object 'ZB-PA' not found*
Kind Regards
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