[R-SIG-Finance] Talking to C# API (Any reference to learn the same)

Бобровский Дмитрий mitek_bobrovskij at inbox.ru
Sun Nov 30 20:14:04 CET 2014

 The best way to communicate C# and R is R.NET (in ways I know). Look this link:  http://rdotnet.codeplex.com/
So, no internal ways to create multiple instances for R via one C# project. But... It can be "cheated". :-) 

You should write little client-server application which can execute R scripts and use R.NET for this. You can run as many different processes with R as you need - dummy and easy way is to create N different client-servers each works with own port. They are all separated and independent - no problems with using it.
For client-server I use this simple realization:  https://github.com/hikalkan/scs . Works fine.

Better way is to create intermediate manager which will manage your tasks for different R processes and which will be a one-connection point for your application. I have plans to realize it soon.

Best regards,
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