[R-SIG-Finance] Heston Simulation

P. Henaff henaff.iae at univ-paris1.fr
Sun Nov 16 21:47:16 CET 2014

Hi Jun,

Take a look a Leif Andersen's paper "Efficient Simulation of the Heston 
Stochastic Volatility Model", available on SSRN. He has the whole story.

Hope this helps

Patrick Hénaff
Maître de Conférences
IAE Paris
Université Paris I | Panthéon Sorbonne

+33 (0)1 53 55 27 70
+33 (0)6 01 30 13 57
skype: pahenaff

8th R/Rmetrics conference in Paris | June 26-28, 2014

Reproducible research in quantitative finance

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