[R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat help

Raghuraman Ramachandran optionsraghu at gmail.com
Sat Oct 18 14:41:33 CEST 2014

Dear Gents

I went through the documentation as you had kindly suggested and tried
to understand the application of quantstrat. I also tried to run a
code as below (obtained from here:
The only difference is I tried to generate signal based on market
moves as discussed before. When I tried to run this I get the
following error:
A traceback did not help much.

out <- applyStrategy(strategy=stratstocky, port .... [TRUNCATED]
Error in if (inherits(sret$indicators, "xts") & nrow(mktdata) ==
nrow(sret$indicators)) { :
  argument is of length zero

What am I missing please? BTW Ilya's pages are excellent and very
descriptive. Great job.

The code below:

#clear workspace (for testing)
rm(list = ls())

#load libraries

#clear portfolio and acct not needed due to the clearing workspace but
here incase you don't use it.

#if your stock is different you need to change
(initdate,initportf,addposlimit, chart.posn)
symbol = "SPY"

#Set up currencies

#define stock change spy to your stock of choice
stock(symbol, currency="USD", multiplier = 1)

####################################################### Get Data
getSymbols(symbol,src="yahoo",from = "2000-01-01" )

#Set Initial Date and Equity, note change SPY to your stock of choice.
initDate = start(SPY)
initEq = 10000

########################## Set up portfolio orders and Acct
#change SPY to your stock choice


#position limits
#change "SPY" to your stock choice
addPosLimit("stocky","SPY",timestamp=initDate,maxpos=100, minpos=0)

#Set up Strategy

  dat$sig=ifelse((dat$mclose>1.02*dat$Open), 1,ifelse(dat$mclose<=
0.98*dat$Open, -1, 0))


  strategy  =  stratstocky,
  name   = "jumps",
  arguments = list(
    dat = quote(mktdata)),
  label = "sig")

################################################ Signals

  strategy = stratstocky,
  name = "sigThreshold",
  arguments = list(
    threshold = -1,
    column = "sig",
    relationship = "eq",
    cross = TRUE),
  label = "Selltime")

  strategy   = stratstocky,
  name = "sigThreshold",
  arguments = list(
    threshold = 1,
    column = "sig",
    relationship = "eq",
    cross = TRUE),
  label = "Buytime")

######################################## Rules
#Entry Rule Long
stratstocky<- add.rule(stratstocky,
                       name = "ruleSignal",
                       arguments = list(
                         sigcol = "Buytime",
                         sigval = TRUE,
                         orderqty = 100,
                         ordertype = "market",
                         orderside = "long",
                         pricemethod = "market",
                         replace = TRUE,
                         TxnFees = -1,
                         osFUN = osMaxPos),
                       type = "enter",
                       path.dep = TRUE,
                       label = "Entry")

#Entry Rule Short

stratstocky<- add.rule(stratstocky,
                       name   = "ruleSignal",
                       arguments = list(
                         sigcol = "Selltime",
                         sigval = TRUE,
                         orderqty = 100,
                         ordertype = "market",
                         orderside = "short",
                         pricemethod = "market",
                         replace = TRUE,
                         TxnFees = -1,
                         osFUN = osMaxPos),
                       type = "enter",
                       path.dep = TRUE,
                       label = "Entry")

#Exit Rules

stratstocky <- add.rule(stratstocky,
                        name = "ruleSignal",
                        arguments = list(
                          sigcol = "Selltime",
                          sigval = TRUE,
                          orderqty = "all",
                          ordertype = "market",
                          orderside = "long",
                          pricemethod = "market",
                          replace = TRUE,
                          TxnFees = -1),
                        type = "exit",
                        path.dep = TRUE,
                        label = "Exitfromlong")

stratstocky <- add.rule(stratstocky,
                        name   = "ruleSignal",
                        arguments = list(
                          sigcol = "Buytime",
                          sigval = TRUE,
                          orderqty = "all",
                          ordertype = "market",
                          orderside = "short",
                          pricemethod = "market",
                          replace = TRUE,
                          TxnFees = -1),
                        type = "exit",
                        path.dep = TRUE,
                        label = "Exitfromshort")

##############################    Apply Strategy

out <- applyStrategy(strategy=stratstocky, portfolios="stocky")

############################# Portfolio Return Characterics
#get portfolio data
portRet <- PortfReturns("stocky")
portRet$Total <- rowSums(portRet, na.rm=TRUE)
#change SPY to your stock choice

Many thanks and regards,

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Raghuraman Ramachandran
<optionsraghu at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Josh, Ilya, Nick. I will start on those lectures of Guy.
> Josh> Thx for correcting the vectorization part of the code. It is a
> steep curve indeed but enjoyable!
> Best Rgds
> Raghu
> On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 2:06 PM, Nick White <n-e-w at qtradr.net> wrote:
>> Raghu,
>> I highly recommend you start with Guy Yollin's excellent lectures @
>> http://www.r-programming.org/papers
>> Begin with understanding the `blotter` package.
>> Guy's notes then proceed onto quantstrat and each successive lecture
>> introduces progressively more advanced features. Lecture 1 will more than
>> sufficiently cover what you're trying to do.
>> There's a learning curve to quantstrat -- but if you follow Guy's lectures
>> it will be about as painless as its possible to be.
>> n.
>> On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 11:31 PM, Raghuraman Ramachandran
>> <optionsraghu at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thx Josh.
>>> Here is the code:
>>> require(quantmod)
>>> require(TTR)
>>> getSymbols('^GSPC')
>>> colnames(GSPC)=c("Open","High","Low","Close","Volume","AdjPrice")
>>> for (i in 1: nrow(GSPC))
>>> {
>>>   GSPC$signal[i]=ifelse((GSPC$Close[i]>1.02*GSPC$Open[i]), 1
>>> ,ifelse(GSPC$Close[i]<= 0.98*GSPC$Open[i], -1, 0))
>>> }
>>> So there will be consecutive days of longs or shorts but how to ignore
>>> the subsequent signals and take the first occurrences inside
>>> quantstrat pls?
>>> Rgds
>>> Raghu
>>> On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 12:50 PM, Joshua Ulrich <josh.m.ulrich at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 4:37 AM, Raghuraman Ramachandran
>>> > <optionsraghu at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >> Dear guRus
>>> >>
>>> >> I am trying to understand the quantstrat package. My signal is very
>>> >> simple. I want to buy if daily close > 2% of open and vice versa. But
>>> >> my signals produce consecutive 1s (when market is going higher) and
>>> >> -1s (when market is going lower) so I want to avoid buying (or
>>> >> selling) more if already bought or sold.
>>> >>
>>> > Then only take the first signal.  If you want more specific
>>> > instructions about how to do that, then provide more specific details
>>> > about your problem (e.g. your actual code).
>>> >
>>> >> My question is:
>>> >> Is it possible to tell quantstrat a) Please do not buy if already
>>> >> bought and if a new buy signal appears and b) Please buy even though
>>> >> if already bought and a new signal appears.
>>> >
>>> > a) Yes.
>>> > b) Yes.
>>> >
>>> >> Also, when a leave a trailing stop which takes precedence? A trailing
>>> >> stop or a new signal on the opposite side and is it possible to change
>>> >> this precedence please?
>>> >>
>>> > Rules are processed in the order described in the Details section of
>>> > ?add.rule.  You can change the order, but it is strongly discouraged
>>> > because it's very easy to create unrealistic behavior if you modify
>>> > the order incorrectly.
>>> >
>>> >> Sincere thanks for the guidance,
>>> >> Raghu
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Joshua Ulrich  |  about.me/joshuaulrich
>>> > FOSS Trading  |  www.fosstrading.com
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