[R-SIG-Finance] Fwd: Re: News impact curves for various GARCH models in the rugarch-package
aschmid1 at stevens.edu
Sun Jun 22 16:49:50 CEST 2014
Thanks for the interest. Here is part 2:
Comments appreciated.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [R-SIG-Finance] News impact curves for various GARCH models
in the rugarch-package
Date: 06/15/2014 9:58 AM
From: aschmid1 <aschmid1 at stevens.edu>
To: r-sig-finance at r-project.org
For those interested in news impact, I actually implemented a
rugarch-based model for analysis of macroeconomic announcements:
Regards, Alec
On 06/15/2014 4:53 AM, Johannes Moser wrote:
> After having slept on it for a nightI now think that both the fGARCH
> submodels (I am especially interested in the NAGARCH) and the eGARCH
> model have a NIC that has to be expressed in terms of the z_{t-1}
> since in both cases the effect of epsilon_{t-1} on sigma_t does depend
> on sigma_{t-1} which is of course nonconstant.
> But as stated before, the "newsimpact(fit)"-output of the eGARCH model
> tells me that here the NIC was given in terms of epsilon_{t-1}.
> Is this a typo? Should it mean "z_{t-1}"?
> Am 2014-06-14 7:25 PM, schrieb Johannes Moser:
>> Dear all,
>> I'm working with the really nice "rugarch"-package and currently have
>> an issue with respect to the news impact curves (NIC).
>> In an attempt to plot several NIC into the same plot I realized that
>> while the NIC for the sGARCH, the gjrGARCH and the eGARCH are given
>> with respect to the epsilon_{t-1}, the NICs for the submodels of the
>> fGARCH model are given in terms of z_{t-1}.
>> Firstly I am a bit confused since just like the fGARCH model, the
>> eGARCH model (as to the eGARCH-model-setup in the vignette) is also
>> given in terms of the z_{t-k} , k={1,...,q}.
>> But nevertheless the NIC of the eGARCH is given in terms of
>> epsilon_{t-1} .
>> At least this is what the "newsimpact(fit)"-output tells me.
>> Why is it this way for the eGARCH but not for the fGARCH?
>> Secondly I'd like to have the NIC of all the different models
>> depending on the epsilon_{t-1} for better comparison.
>> So for the fGARCH case I thought about calculating the epsilon_{t-1}
>> values given the z_{t-1} values and the conditional mean and
>> volatility.
>> Is this a good idea or is there an important reason why the NICs for
>> the fGARCH submodels are NOT given this way?
>> Many thanks and kind regards,
>> Johannes
> --
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