[R-SIG-Finance] GARCH fitted parametric distributions for copula fitting
alexios ghalanos
alexios at 4dscape.com
Mon May 12 22:43:11 CEST 2014
1. It is not the @fit$fitted.values you should use (which BTW you should
extract using the 'fitted' method), but the standardized residuals.
>z = residuals(fit, standardize=TRUE)
2. Once you have these, you should then convert them to U(0,1) by
applying the parametric transformation (IFM). Since you've used the
student distribution:
>pdist("std", z, 0, 1, shape = coef(fit)["shape"])
Alternatively, use the probability integral transformation method (pit):
which will return the U(0,1) in one step.
It is the U(0,1) values that you pass to the copula.
The copula-GARCH with student and normal margins are already available
in the rmgarch package whose functions (source) or documentation you may
want to consult to see the steps.
On 12/05/2014 21:21, Sebastian Ivanciu wrote:
> Hello,
> I would greatly appreciate any insights into the problem described below,
> regarding using the data obtained from applying the functions of the
> 'rugarch' package into those from the 'copula' package.
> I am endeavouring an investigation of dependencies between variables (i.e.
> stock quotes, exchange rates etc.) using copula functions. I first model
> each of my variables as an ARMA-GARCH process (or EGARCH/GJR to account for
> asymmetries) and then use these models in order to determine the
> best-fitting copula.
> Take for example the case of stock quotes. After transforming them to log
> returns ( using diff(log(stockData)) ), and investigating their correlation
> with Kendall's thau and Spearman's rho, I fit an ARMA-GARCH model to each
> variable (resulting in the so-called margin functions):
> ## Choose conditional mean model for each variable i in the retStock xts
> object
> autoarfima(data = retStock[,i], ar.max = 3, ma.max = 3, criterion = "AIC",
> method = "full", distr = "std")
> ## Choose conditional variance model by comparing AICs for all combinations
> of GARCH orders limited to 3, with the ARMA(p,q) mean model selected above
> for (i in 1:3){
> for (j in 1:3){
> spec <- ugarchspec(variance.model=list(model="sGARCH", garchOrder =
> c(i,j)), mean.model=list(armaOrder=c(p,q), distribution.model = "std")
> fit <- ugarchfit(spec = spec, data = retStock[,n])
> # record AIC for overall comparison after exiting the loop
> }
> }
> Keeping the uGARCHfit object with the best-fitting model, I move on to the
> bivariate copulas. For completing the "Inference Functions for Margins"
> method, I specifically need to input the observations from the *fitted
> parametric marginal distribution functions*, for which I use the
> *@fit$fitted.values* of each uGARCHfit object.
> However, the fitted values of the two models are, for some variables,
> negatively correlated (as indicated by Kendall's tau and Spearman's rho),
> whereas the original observations were positively correlated, leading to
> the copula fitting breaking down (for Gumbel and Clayton copulas, but I
> won't go into copula details, as my question only concerns the output data
> from the 'rugarch' package).
> My overall question is, considering my approach and the need for inputting
> fitted parametric marginal distribution functions, are the fitted values
> from the uGARCHfit objects the right input data to be taking further into
> the copula functions? Why are the fitted values negatively correlated, when
> the originals were positively correlated?
> I am running everything in RStudio 0.98.501 with R 3.0.2 on Windows 8.1. If
> any further information is needed regarding my system specs or other
> implementation details, let me know and I'll provide them as soon as
> possible.
> Thank you very much for your assistance,
> Sebastian
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