[R-SIG-Finance] Spline GARCH

Paul Gilbert pgilbert902 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 03:43:32 CET 2014

Sorry for the delay, I'm travelling and not always on my email.
(See below.)

On 02/07/2014 02:40 PM, Bastian Offermann wrote:
> There was an error in the previous code, this should be correct...
> library('BB')
> library('alabama')
> library('nloptr')
> r = rnorm(13551, 0.0004, 0.016)     # pseudo returns
> ### Spline GARCH ###
> ### Specifying time trend
> k = 3                                                       # number of
> knots
> bounds = floor(1:k * 13551/k)                # partition of time horizon
> bounds = c(0, bounds[1:(k-1)])
> time.lin = 0:13550                           # linear time trend
> time.nonlin <- matrix(rep(time.lin, k), length(time.lin), k) # quadratic
> time trend
> for(i in 1:k) {                                              #
> time.nonlin[,i] <- time.nonlin[,i] - bounds[i]               #
> time.nonlin[which(time.nonlin[,i] < 0), i] <- 0 #
> time.nonlin[, i] <- time.nonlin[, i]^2                       #
>                }                                              #
> time.trend = cbind(time.lin, time.nonlin)
> for(i in 1:dim(time.trend)[2]) time.trend[,i] <-
> time.trend[,i]/time.trend[dim(time.trend)[1], i]   # normalizing between
> 0 and 1
> head(time.trend)
> tail(time.trend)
> ### Spline function
> splgarch <- function(para) {
> mu <- para[1]
> omega <- para[2]
> alpha <- para[3]
> beta <- para[4]
> cc <- para[5]
> w <- para[6:(k+6)]
> Tau <- cc * exp( apply(t(diag(w)%*%t(time.trend)), 1, sum) )
> e2 <- (r-mu)^2
> e2t <- omega + alpha * c(mean(e2), e2[-length(r)]) / Tau^2
> s2 <- filter(e2t, beta, "recursive", init = mean(e2))
> sig2 <- s2 * Tau
> 0.5*sum( log(2*pi) + log(sig2) + e2/sig2) }
> ### Spline parameter initialization
> mu <- mean(r)
> small <- 1e-6
> alpha <- 0.1
> beta <- 0.8
> omega <- (1-alpha-beta)
> para <- c(mu, omega, alpha, beta, 1, rep(small, length(4:(k+4))))
> lo <- c(-10*abs(mu), small, small, small, rep(-10, length(3:(k+4))))
> hi <- c(10*abs(mu), 100*abs(mu), 1-small, 1-small, rep(10,
> length(3:(k+4))))
> ### Spline optimization
> fit <- nlminb(start = para, objective = splgarch, lower = lo, upper =
> hi, hessian = TRUE, control = list(x.tol = 1e-8,trace=0))
> names(fit$par) <- c('mu', 'omega', 'alpha', 'beta', 'c', paste('w', sep
> = '', 0:k))
> round(fit$par, 6)
> fit.hessian = hessian(splgarch, fit$par, method="complex")

This gives (at least with my working copy)

Error in filter(e2t, beta, "recursive", init = mean(e2)) : invalid input
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In filter(e2t, beta, "recursive", init = mean(e2)) :
   imaginary parts discarded in coercion
2: In filter(e2t, beta, "recursive", init = mean(e2)) :
   imaginary parts discarded in coercion
Error in grad.default(func = fn, x = x, method = "complex", method.args 
= list(eps = .Machine$double.eps),  :
   function does not accept complex argument as required by method 

> fit.hessian
Error: object 'fit.hessian' not found

The "complex" method is truly powerful in cases where it can be used, 
but the requirement on the function (complex analytic, even though you 
may be only interested in it as a real valued function with real 
arguments) is non-trivial. I clearly need to beef up the warnings in the 
documentation. They are there, but perhaps you did not follow the 
suggestion to see ?grad, and even there I may be assuming people might 
actual look at the reference. I will work on the documentation. Your 
function does not even handle a complex argument, so it is definitely 
not suitable for this method.


fit.hessian = hessian(splgarch, fit$par, method="Richardson")

                [,1]          [,2]         [,3]          [,4]         [,5]
  [1,] 54159760.8324     -391558.2 3.018716e+05     -4467.786 1.101539e+02
  [2,]  -391558.2296 90404150206.1 2.220223e+09 224552735.372 2.183666e+08
  [3,]   301871.5678  2220223211.2 6.070358e+07   5516188.460 5.352351e+06
  [4,]    -4467.7858   224552735.4 5.516188e+06    558096.767 5.425405e+05
  [5,]      110.1539   218366571.2 5.352351e+06    542540.452 5.277932e+05
  [6,]    -1624.6496    12373678.7 2.983966e+05     30769.665 2.989512e+04
  [7,]    -2190.8683     8249523.2 1.948851e+05     20514.137 1.993109e+04
  [8,]    -2569.8729     5499872.3 1.264006e+05     13676.544 1.328788e+04
  [9,]    -2991.0444     2750144.2 6.090795e+04      6838.777 6.644464e+03
                [,6]         [,7]         [,8]         [,9]
  [1,]    -1624.6496   -2190.8683   -2569.8729   -2991.0444
  [2,] 12373678.7285 8249523.2423 5499872.3398 2750144.2107
  [3,]   298396.5695  194885.1344  126400.6003   60907.9503
  [4,]    30769.6650   20514.1374   13676.5444    6838.7768
  [5,]    29895.1161   19931.0875   13287.8823    6644.4640
  [6,]     2258.4950    1693.8479    1254.6936     690.5527
  [7,]     1693.8479    1355.1300    1070.7734     636.5426
  [8,]     1254.6936    1070.7734     903.6127     584.6161
  [9,]      690.5527     636.5426     584.6161     453.8935

I think this may be what you are looking for, but beware that your 
alpha parameter is on the boundary. The fact that hessian() works on the 
boundary suggests that the function actually evaluates beyond the 
boundary without returning an error, but you need to be sure the 
function is not doing something strange outside the boundary. I'm not 
familiar with how to interpret the hessian as an approximation of the 
variance at a boundary point. Do you think of the se as symmetric in 
this case?

> Am 2/7/2014 10:28 AM, schrieb Paul Gilbert:
>> On 02/07/2014 08:19 AM, Bastian Offermann wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am currently implementing the Engle & Rangel (2008) Spline GARCH
>>> model. I use the nlminb optimizer which does not provide a hessian
>>> unfortunately to get the standard errors of the coefficients. I can get
>>> around this using the 'hessian' function in numDeriv, but usually get
>>> NaN values for the omega parameter.
>> Do you know why this happens, or can you provide a simple example? An
>> NaN value from hessian() is often because the function fails to
>> evaluate in a small neighbourhood of the point where it is being
>> calculated, that is, at your parameter estimate. Are you on the
>> boundary of the feasible region?
>>> Can anybody recommend additional optimizers that directly return a
>>> hessian?
>> A hessian returned by an optimizer is usually one that is built up by
>> some approximation during the optimization process. One of the
>> original purposes of hessian() was to try to do something that is
>> usually better than that, specifically because you want a good
>> approximation if you are going to use it to calculate standard errors.
>> (And, of course, you want the conditions to hold for the hessian to be
>> an approximation of the variance.)  Just because an optimizer returns
>> something for the hessian, it it not clear that you would want to use
>> it to calculate standard errors. The purpose of the hessian built up
>> by an optimizer is to speed the optimization, not necessarily to
>> provide a good approximation to the hessian.  In the case where
>> hessian() is returning NaNs I would be concerned that anything
>> returned by an optimizer could be simply bogus.
>>> How sensitive are the coefficients to the initial starting values?
>> This depends on a number of things, the optimizer you use being one of
>> them. Most optimizers have some mechanism to specify something
>> different from the default for the stopping criteria and you can, for
>> a problem without local optimum issues (e.g. convex level sets),
>> reduce sensitivity to the starting value by tightening the stopping
>> criteria. The more serious problem is when you have local optimum
>> issues. Then you will get false convergence and thus extreme
>> sensitivity to starting values. Even for a parameter space that is
>> generally good, there are often parameter values for which the
>> optimization is a bit sensitive. And, of course, all this also depends
>> on your dataset. Generally, the sensitivity will increase with short
>> datasets.
>> The previous paragraph is about the coefficient estimate. At the same
>> coefficient estimate hessian() will return the same thing, but a
>> hessian built up by an optimizer will depend on the path, and
>> generally needs a fairly large number of final steps in the vicinity
>> of the optimum to give a good approximation. Thus, somewhat counter
>> intuitively, if you do an optimization starting with values for the
>> coefficients that are very close to the optimum you will get quick
>> convergence but often a bad hessian approximation from the optimizer.
>> Paul
>>> Thanks in advance!
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