[R-SIG-Finance] rugarch by processing with plyr

alexios ghalanos alexios at 4dscape.com
Mon Sep 23 21:56:08 CEST 2013

Why would they? You have fixed them in the spec (data$XVAR) and are only
rolling the YVAR (which is the same for both subjects) by subject.

You probably want:

ddply(data, 'SUBJECT', function(x)
data=x$YVAR, solver='hybrid')))



On 23/09/2013 20:43, Geoffrey Smith wrote:
> I would like to estimate an EGARCH model by subject using the rugarch and
> plyr packages.  I am concerned that the external regressors named in the
> ugarchspec function do not roll forward by subject.  For example, in the
> code below, both subjects have the exact same dependent variables, but
> different independent variables.  Yet, the parameter estimates for both
> subjects are the exact same.  I think this is due to the independent
> variables not changing by subject.  Am I correct?  If so, how can I work
> around this?  Thank you very much.
>     library(plyr)
>     library(rugarch)
>     set.seed(1000)
>     Y <- rnorm(200)
>     data <- data.frame(SUBJECT=c(rep('Alice', 200), rep('Bart', 200)),
> YVAR=rep(Y, 02), XVAR=rnorm(400))
>     data
>     spec <- ugarchspec(mean.model=list(armaOrder=c(00,00),
> external.regressors=data.matrix(data$XVAR), include.mean=TRUE),
> variance.model=list(model='eGARCH', garchOrder=c(01,01)),
> distribution.model='norm')
>     ddply(data, .(SUBJECT), function(x) coef(ugarchfit(spec=spec,
> data=x$YVAR, solver='hybrid')))
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