[R-SIG-Finance] Google data download with getSymbols - is there a limit/quota ?

soren wilkening me at censix.com
Mon Mar 25 09:33:11 CET 2013

>>> Brian's thinking of getSymbols.yahoo.  It has a 1-second pause every 5

Thanks. I tried it that way but google does not seem to care. Same behaviour
as without the 1-sec pause.

I have written a workaround that uses Sys.time() and a while loop and sits
on top of the getSymbols() call. I don;t think it is necessarily a good idea
to incorporate it into the getSymbols.google() source itself, because it may
be too dependent on the correct behavior of Sys.time() across platforms and
therefore break the stable behaviour of getSymbols.google(), but if the
maintainers are interested, I can post the code.



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