[R-SIG-Finance] Would you be interested in testing an R package for receiving market data from Thomson Reuters?

Joshua Ulrich josh.m.ulrich at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 01:43:10 CEST 2012

Hi Tom,

On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Thomas P. Fuller
<thomas.fuller at coherentlogic.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> We are currently developing a package, called the Coherent Datafeed, for accessing real-time market data from Thomson Reuters using the R
> Project for Statistical Computing.
> I'd like to ask the members in this group if they would like to help test this software?
> If you're interested in helping, it would be nice if you could follow
> the Twitter account we have set up for this (@CoherentMktData), and
> we'll let you know when it's available (should be late Q3 or early Q4 of
>  this year); the link below includes more information.
> http://www.coherentlogic.com/wordpress/?page_id=1575
> If you don't use Twitter, you can always respond to this discussion, or send an email, and let me know.
> You will need to have a Thomson Reuters account in order to use this software.
You will also need a license to use the Coherent Datafeed package,
correct?  Will the license for beta-testers continue to be free after
the product is launched?

> If you're reading this and you don't use Thomson Reuters, but like the
> idea and would like a package written for another datafeed provider,
> please do let me know as this would be very helpful information (we're
> planning to write a package for Bloomberg too).
> Questions and comments are welcomed.
> Thanks,
> Tom
> Thomas P. Fuller,  MSc
> Managing Director
> Coherent Logic Limited
> High Performance  Software Engineering
> thomas.fuller at coherentlogic.com
> IM:  thospfuller (Yahoo)
> Registered in England, #05560634
> 145-157 St.  John Street
> London, EC1V 4PY United Kingdom
> work:   44.[0]207.788.7654
> mobile:  44.[0]781.828.7465
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Joshua Ulrich  |  about.me/joshuaulrich
FOSS Trading  |  www.fosstrading.com

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