[R-SIG-Finance] 2 time/date columns to one

Costas Vorlow costas.vorlow at gmail.com
Fri May 25 18:35:31 CEST 2012


I have trouble connecting times with dates to create a "proper" time sequence:

5/22/2012	1640	318295
5/22/2012	1641	432517
5/22/2012	1642	328233
5/22/2012	1643	444692
5/22/2012	1644	217440
5/22/2012	1645	650593
5/22/2012	1646	207366
5/22/2012	1647	334881
5/22/2012	1648	133929
5/22/2012	1649	267117
5/22/2012	1650	179423
5/22/2012	1651	259668
5/22/2012	1652	341661

The table above is a time sequence. The 1st column on the left is the
date and the next column contains the time of day (1640= 4:40pm). The
3rd column is the price of a variable at that point in time. Hence, I
want to convert the above table to a time series variable (xts, zoo,
etc) of some sort. Any pointer extremely welcome ( I know this is a
lame question)...

Many thanks in advance,




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