[R-SIG-Finance] copula with rmgarch
Alex Fei
alec.fei at gmail.com
Wed May 9 17:47:58 CEST 2012
Thank you Alexios for always prompt and patient reply!
Yes, you are right. It does not make sense to look at the simulated cov for
1-ahead. I was trying to do a portfolio allocation exercise.
1) If the mean-variance approach is adopted, basically what I need is the
1-day-ahead return of each assets and their cov. I suppose the former should
come from the margin parts (e.g. ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1)-ghst) given the
estimated marginal parameters and the latter should come from the copula
part (e.g. DCC(1,1)-t-copula) given the estimated copula parameters. In R,
*what shall I do?* for example I have the following:
> library(rmgarch)
> data(dji30ret)
> Dat = dji30ret[, 1:3, drop = FALSE]
> uspec = ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(1,1)), variance.model =
> list(garchOrder = c(1,1), model = "sGARCH"),
+ distribution.model = "jsu")
> spec1 = cgarchspec(uspec = multispec( replicate(3, uspec) ), VAR = FALSE,
> robust = FALSE, lag = 2, lag.max = NULL,
+ lag.criterion = c("AIC", "HQ", "SC", "FPE"),
external.regressors = NULL,
+ robust.control = list("gamma" = 0.25, "delta" = 0.01,
"nc" = 10, "ns" = 500),
+ dccOrder = c(1,1), asymmetric = FALSE,
distribution.model = list(copula = c("mvnorm", "mvt")[2],
method = c("Kendall", "ML")[2], time.varying = TRUE,
transformation = c("parametric", "empirical", "spd")[1]))
> fit1 = cgarchfit(spec1, data = Dat, parallel = parallel, parallel.control
> = parallel.control,
+ fit.control = list(eval.se=TRUE))
> show(fit1)
* Copula GARCH Fit *
Distribution : mvt
DCC Order : 1 1
Asymmetric : FALSE
No. of Parameters : 30
[VAR GARCH DCC UncQ]: [0+24+3+3]
No. of Series : 3
No. of Observations : 5521
Log-Likelihood : 43676.18
Av.Log-Likelihood : 7.911
Optimal Parameters
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
[AA].mu 0.000531 0.000252 2.106962 0.035121
[AA].ar1 -0.582146 0.075357 -7.725139 0.000000
[AA].ma1 0.638169 0.069877 9.132792 0.000000
[AA].omega 0.000003 0.000001 2.046048 0.040752
[AA].alpha1 0.045806 0.008897 5.148264 0.000000
[AA].beta1 0.948470 0.012120 78.255127 0.000000
[AA].skew 0.141182 0.069022 2.045450 0.040810
[AA].shape 1.902134 0.111488 17.061336 0.000000
[AXP].mu 0.000627 0.000168 3.732932 0.000189
[AXP].ar1 0.730182 0.072262 10.104678 0.000000
[AXP].ma1 -0.784923 0.065556 -11.973334 0.000000
[AXP].omega 0.000001 0.000001 1.893198 0.058332
[AXP].alpha1 0.058253 0.012840 4.536872 0.000006
[AXP].beta1 0.940747 0.014063 66.893758 0.000000
[AXP].skew 0.131492 0.048365 2.718777 0.006552
[AXP].shape 1.868931 0.097636 19.141771 0.000000
[BA].mu 0.000586 0.001033 0.567440 0.570415
[BA].ar1 -0.385522 5.202037 -0.074110 0.940923
[BA].ma1 0.394759 5.336133 0.073978 0.941028
[BA].omega 0.000004 0.000005 0.729471 0.465714
[BA].alpha1 0.046706 0.056782 0.822551 0.410764
[BA].beta1 0.942283 0.066474 14.175183 0.000000
[BA].skew 0.072497 0.522772 0.138678 0.889705
[BA].shape 1.710008 0.085270 20.054081 0.000000
[Joint]dcca1 0.008234 0.001330 6.190368 0.000000
[Joint]dccb1 0.989416 0.002026 488.351900 0.000000
[Joint]mshape 13.574529 1.569377 8.649627 0.000000
Information Criteria
Akaike -15.812
Bayes -15.780
Shibata -15.812
Hannan-Quinn -15.801
Elapsed time : 1.85734
ps. seems I can't use ghst for GH skew-t but use jsu instead. When I use
ghst in ugarchspec, the cgarchfit will report the following error message:
Error in if (!any(distribution == valid.distribution))
stop("\nugarchspec-->error: the cond.distribution does not appear to be a
valid choice.") :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
2) If the mean-CVaR approach is adopted, I suppose to have a large number
(say, 10000) of 1-day-ahead return of each assets at different scenarios. I
think it can be done with sim1 = cgarchsim(fit1, n.sim = 1, m.sim = 10000,
startMethod = "sample"). *Am I right?*
3) for other exercises, i.e. fitting Archimedean copulas (seems like the
rmgarch package only support gaussian and t copula), I need transform the
standardised residuals to uniform via CDF or ecdf. I suppose the residuals
is standardised (*Am I right?*) by using rugarch, again assume
ARMA(1,1)-GARCG(1,1)-ghst, then *how can I do this transformation* to obtain
uniform pseudo-observations to start a fitting using copula package? Btw, do
you have any suggestion to do this exercise?
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