[R-SIG-Finance] minimum variance portfolio (no shorts)
Brian G. Peterson
brian at braverock.com
Sun Feb 19 00:08:25 CET 2012
On Sat, 2012-02-18 at 17:37 -0500, benn fine wrote:
> I realize this topic has been hashed to death but i think the multitude of
> answers is confusing me.
> I have mu,hat and cov.hat and a time series object of returns.
> I want the minimum variance portfolio without short sales
> Is there a basic function somewhere that does that? I'm finding
> minvariancePortfolio in Fportfolio a little tricky to use.
'a little tricky to use' is hardly reproducible.
> I am trying the optimizeportfolio routine in PortfolioAnalytics. But the
> results seem a bit odd.
PortfolioAnalytics will give the correct result given the correct
objective function, but in any event I wouldn't use a global solver when
a simple closed form solution is available. Portfolioanalytics, as
stated in the documentation or our seminar slides, is designed for much
more complex objectives for which no closed form solution exists.
> I have some code from Eric Zivot's website to compute the global minimum
> variance portfolio (see below).
> When I run it on a simple 4 asset example, I don't get the same result as
> optimize.portfolio, and in
> fact the optimize.portfolio weights give a larger portfolio variance.
> Here is the call for optimize.portoflio:
> myconstr=constraint(assets=4, min_sum=1, max_sum=1, min=-100,
> max=100,weight_seq=generatesequence())
> optimize.portfolio(myrets,myconstr)
ouch. weights are PERCENTAGES. This is clearly stated in the
documentation, and in all the examples and lecture slides.
You said *without short sales*, yet this is 100x leveraged long/short
> Has someone written a nice wrapper to easily get the min variance portfolio
> wo short sales?
I don't know how much nicer you expect than three lines of code...
> Any ideas why Eric's code (which I trust) gives a different answer from
> opitimize.portfolio?
You put in the wrong constraints.
You also don't show the rest of your objective function here.
Right now, you're using a 100x leveraged long/short portfolio and no
You'll want to fix your min and max arguments, and have at least one
add.objective call.
Please look at the seminar slides from R/Finance
- Brian
> Thanks! Sorry for the cluelessness.
> globalMin.portfolio <-
> function(er, cov.mat)
> {
> # Compute global minimum variance portfolio
> #
> # inputs:
> # er N x 1 vector of expected returns
> # cov.mat N x N return covariance matrix
> #
> # output is portfolio object with the following elements
> # call original function call
> # er portfolio expected return
> # sd portfolio standard deviation
> # weights N x 1 vector of portfolio weights
> call <- match.call()
> #
> # check for valid inputs
> #
> asset.names <- names(er)
> er <- as.vector(er) # assign names if none exist
> cov.mat <- as.matrix(cov.mat)
> if(length(er) != nrow(cov.mat))
> stop("invalid inputs")
> if(any(diag(chol(cov.mat)) <= 0))
> stop("Covariance matrix not positive definite")
> # remark: could use generalized inverse if cov.mat is positive semi-definite
> #
> # compute global minimum portfolio
> #
> cov.mat.inv <- solve(cov.mat)
> one.vec <- rep(1,length(er))
> # w.gmin <- cov.mat.inv %*% one.vec/as.vector(one.vec %*% cov.mat.inv
> %*% one.vec)
> w.gmin <- rowSums(cov.mat.inv) / sum(cov.mat.inv)
> w.gmin <- as.vector(w.gmin)
> names(w.gmin) <- asset.names
> er.gmin <- crossprod(w.gmin,er)
> sd.gmin <- sqrt(t(w.gmin) %*% cov.mat %*% w.gmin)
> gmin.port <- list("call" = call,
> "er" = as.vector(er.gmin),
> "sd" = as.vector(sd.gmin),
> "weights" = w.gmin)
> class(gmin.port) <- "portfolio"
> gmin.port
> }
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Brian G. Peterson
Ph: 773-459-4973
IM: bgpbraverock
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