[R-SIG-Finance] Determine the number of trading days for XETRA or EUREX in a given period

Joachim Breit jbreit at nexgo.de
Mon Jan 2 09:08:20 CET 2012

Mark, I was hoping that somebody else had done that job already... :-) 
After all, I should not be the only person interested in the problem.
Besides, function holidayNYSE looks intimidating for an R newbie.


Am 31.12.2011 10:37, schrieb Mark Breman:
> Hello Joachim,
> Why not create a holidayEUREX yourself? Look at holidayNYSE for an
> example and it should not be too difficult.
> Regards,
> -Mark-
> 2011/12/30 Joachim Breit <jbreit at nexgo.de <mailto:jbreit at nexgo.de>>
>     Hello,
>     say you want to determine the number of trading days for DAX options
>     on EUREX from now til day x.
>     I am looking for a function for this task.
>     Looked in package timeDate but found nothing for the german exchanges.
>     Can somebody help, please?
>     Joachim
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