[R-SIG-Finance] Option valuation for arbitrary distribution using monte carlo simulation

Patrick Burns patrick at burns-stat.com
Fri Dec 23 16:35:13 CET 2011


I'm guessing that you could get
some better speed by doing the
'sample' call all at once, do it
with 'logret' instead of 'ret'
and sum them efficiently.  Something

sampmat <- array(sample(logret,
    size=63 * 1e5, replace=TRUE,
    prob=rnprob), c(63, 1e5))

samplret <- colSums(sampmat)

# then transform to simple returns
# and use 'pmax' instead of 'max'

If the matrix is too large for your
memory, you could do it in a few

On 23/12/2011 14:59, Joachim Breit wrote:
> I gave it a try. See the (ugly) code below. Comments are welcome. There
> are still a few issues to solve:
> - How can one do the Monte Carlo simulation faster/more efficient?
> - Can somebody explain Winston's daily risk free rate?
> - Is there a better optimization algorithm for the utility function than
> genoud?
> ----------------------------------------------
> library("fImport")
> library('fOptions')
> library("rgenoud")
> msft =
> yahooImport(query="MSFT&a=00&b=4&c=1999&d=03&e=9&f=1999&ignore=.csv",file =
> "msft", source = "http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?", save = TRUE)
> cl = msft at data[,"Close"] ### unadjusted close prices
> cl[10:67] = cl[10:67]/2 ### a 2:1 split on 1999-03-29
> ret = cl[1:66] /cl[2:67] - 1 ### the returns
> logret = log(1+ret) ### log returns
> vola = sd(logret) * sqrt(252) ### 0.4091751
> bsm = GBSOption(TypeFlag = "p", S = 90, X = 80, Time = 63/252, r =
> log(1+0.08), b = log(1+0.08), sigma = vola)@price #### 2.577398 (just to
> compare)
> rf = .000317 ## don't know where this comes from in Winston's paper;
> ## should be 1.08^(1/252)-1 = 0.0003054476, right?
> meanutil <- function (alpha) {
> x = log(alpha * (1 + ret) + (1 - alpha) * (1 + rf)) ### portf. utility
> x[which(is.nan(x))] = -100000 ### correct for ln(x<0) undefined
> x = mean(x)
> return(x)
> }
> optalpha = genoud(meanutil, nvars = 1, max = TRUE, pop.size = 1000)$par
> ### the optimal portfolio under utility function ln(x)
> portret = optalpha * (1 + ret) + (1 - optalpha) * (1 + rf)
> ## the optimal portfolio returns (in the sense of: daily end wealth)
> num = (1 / length(ret)) * (1 / portret)
> rnprob = num/sum(num) ### the risk neutral probabilities
> ov=0 #### monte carlo simulation
> for (i in 1:100000) {
> ov[i] = max(80 - 90 * prod(1+ sample(ret, size=63, replace = TRUE, prob
> = rnprob)), 0 )
> }
> mov = 1/1.08^(63/252) * mean(ov) ### 2.512722 = option value
> Am 25.11.2011 09:48, schrieb Charles Ward:
>> Luenberger discusses the task of creating risk-neutral probabilities
>> from any set of observed returns. I cannot find the specific reference
>> in his book (Investment Science) but there is a discussion paper by
>> Winston (google) that applies his method using Excel and @Risk to a
>> sample of Microsoft returns. I think it would be relatively simple to
>> program it in R.
>> Charles Ward
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Patrick Burns
patrick at burns-stat.com
twitter: @portfolioprobe

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