[R-SIG-Finance] Sullivan, Timmerman and White 1999: TA rules, and R
Adam Ghandar
adam.ghandar at adelaide.edu.au
Thu Nov 10 07:22:05 CET 2011
Further to the earlier example, a more complete way to implement the
description of filter rules in Sullivan, Timmerman and White 1999 (see
below) might be similar to this, but it seems very slow (and possibly not
price <- 1000 + c(0, cumsum(runif(500, -10, 10)))
filter <- function(price,x,e,...) {
for(i in seq(e,NROW(signal))){
getSignal<-function(price,lastPrice,lastPos, x,recentL,recentH){
# first check if a long or short position should be initiated
if( change>=x && lastPos!= -1)
return (1)
else if(change<=-x && lastPos!=1)
# check if position should be changed -
if(price<=recentH*(1-x)) #"hold until price moves down x
percent from a subsequent high"
else if(lastPos==-1){
if(price>=recentL*(1+x)) # #"short until price moves up x
percent from a subsequent low"
Any thoughts would be much appreciated, and sorry for sending two emails
about this... the first example wasn't complete.
-----Original Message-----
From: r-sig-finance-bounces at r-project.org
[mailto:r-sig-finance-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of AGhandar
Sent: Thursday, 10 November 2011 2:24 PM
To: r-sig-finance at r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R-SIG-Finance] Sullivan, Timmerman and White 1999: TA rules,
and R
Dear all,
I came across this post while trying to do the same thing - I am a little
new to R and would be really grateful if anyone could provide any
information or an example of implementing a rule similar to the description
below. Especially if you have implemented this rule that would be really
helpful :-)
My initial attempt at implementing the filter rules described in the paper
(see description below) is along the lines of this:
x<-0.01 # parameter
price <- 10 + c(0, cumsum(runif(100, -1, 1))) # random price series
change<-ROC(price,1) # daily price change
signal<-ifelse(change>=x,1,0) + ifelse(change<=-x,-1,0)
The above line creates a signal 1 or -1 if the price rises or falls by x% on
any day, but the problem I have is that I can not see how it is possible to
implement the requirement to for instance "hold the position until the price
moves up x%" without a for loop and a set of complex conditions and flags.
Is this the only approach or are there some built in functions or approaches
using R that would make it much easier?
Many thanks in anticipation,
A. Filter Rules
Filter rules are used in Alexander (1961) to assess the efficiency of stock
price movements. Fama and Blume (1966) explain the standard filter rule:
An x per cent filter is defined as follows: If the daily closing price of a
particular security moves up at least x per cent, buy and hold the se-
curity until its price moves down at least x per cent from a subsequent
high, at which time simultaneously sell and go short. The short position
is maintained until the daily closing price rises at least x per cent above
a subsequent low at which time one covers and buys. Moves less than x
per cent in either direction are ignored. (p. 227)
The first item of consideration is how to define subsequent lows and highs.
We will do this in two ways. As the above excerpt suggests, a subsequent
high is the highest closing price achieved while holding a particular long
position. Likewise, a subsequent low is the lowest closing price achieved
while holding a particular short position. Alternatively, a low (high)
can be
defined as the most recent closing price that is less (greater) than the e
previous closing prices. Next, we will expand the universe of filter
rules by
allowing a neutral position to be imposed. This is accomplished by
ing a long position when the price decreases y percent from the previous
high, and covering a short position when the price increases y percent from
the previous low. Following BLL, we also consider holding a given long or
short position for a prespecified number of days, c, effectively
ignoring all
other signals generated during that time.
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