[R-SIG-Finance] Rolling through fixed-length time windows
Gabor Grothendieck
ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 14:24:23 CET 2011
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 9:09 AM, Matthew Clegg <matthewcleggphd at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello R-Sig-Finance members:
> I was wondering if anyone has contributed functions that are similar
> to the zoo roll* functions but which operate on fixed-length time
> windows? For example, suppose I have a zoo-based object consisting
> of the daily closing prices of a stock, and I wish to know for each
> date, what was the volatility over the succeeding 30 calendar days?
> Probably many people would settle for something like:
> rollapply (log(lag(P))-log(P), 21, sd, align="left") * sqrt(252)
> (where P is the price series). However, this is an approximation.
> Not all periods of 30 calendar days include precisely 21 trading days.
> This seems like an obvious enough question that I would think that it
> has been asked (and answered) many times before, but I could not find
> a reference to the recommended solution.
> If no one has tackled this problem before, I might try to put together
> a small library of functions that are like roll* but which operate
> on fixed time windows. I am including an example of one such function
> below.
> Matthew Clegg
> ztw_sum <- function (X, delta, align="right", partial=FALSE) {
> # Zoo Time Window Sum
> #
> # On input, X is a zoo-based numeric vector and delta is a time
> difference.
> # Constructs a zoo-based numeric vector of partial sums from X. The
> values
> # included in a partial sum are those whose associated timestamps are
> # within delta of the corresponding element from X.
> #
> # If align="right", then result[i] is a sum of those elements
> # X[j] such that
> # 0 <= timestamp[i] - timestamp[j] <= delta,
> # where timestamp[i] is the timestamp (index) associated with the
> # i-th element of X. Conversely, if align="left", then result[i] is a
> # sum of those elements X[j] such that
> # 0 <= timestamp[j] - timestamp[i] <= delta.
> #
> # Parameters:
> # X: A zoo-based numeric vector with a time-based index type.
> # delta: An object of type difftime specifying the size of
> # the time window.
> # align: Specifies whether the sum for a given index should
> # be computed using elements of lower timestamps ("right")
> # or higher timestamps ("left").
> # partial: If TRUE, then partial sums are computed for elements
> # at the left (respectively, right) end of the vector.
> #
> # Returns a zoo-based numeric vector of partial sums.
> #
> # Running time is O(length(X)).
> if (!inherits(X, "zoo") || !inherits(coredata(X), "numeric")) {
> stop ("X must be a numeric vector of type zoo");
> } else if (delta <= 0) {
> stop ("delta must be positive");
> } else if ((align != "left") && (align != "right")) {
> stop ("align must be from c('left', 'right')");
> }
> timestamp <- index(X)
> R <- zoo(NA, order.by = timestamp); # The result vector
> sum <- 0; # The current partial sum
> if (align == "right") {
> # Invariants:
> # (a) 0 < i <= j <= length(X)
> # (b) 0 <= timestamp(j) - timestamp(i) <= delta
> i <- 1; # The leftmost index in the current window
> for (j in 1:length(X)) {
> if (!is.na(X[j])) {
> sum <- sum + as.numeric(X[j]);
> }
> while (timestamp[j] - timestamp[i] > delta) {
> if (!is.na(X[i])) {
> sum <- sum - as.numeric(X[i]);
> }
> i <- i+1;
> }
> if ((i > 1) || partial) {
> R[j] <- sum;
> }
> }
> } else { # align == "left"
> # Invariants:
> # (a) 0 < j <= i <= length(X)
> # (b) 0 <= timestamp(i) - timestamp(j) <= delta
> i <- length(X); # The rightmost index in the current window
> for (j in length(X):1) {
> if (!is.na(X[j])) {
> sum <- sum + as.numeric(X[j]);
> }
> while (timestamp[i] - timestamp[j] > delta) {
> if (!is.na(X[i])) {
> sum <- sum - as.numeric(X[i]);
> }
> i <- i-1;
> }
> if ((i < length(X)) || partial) {
> R[j] <- sum;
> }
> }
> }
> R
> }
Here is a one liner (two if you count making the result into a zoo object):
> z <- zoo(1:25)
> zz <- sapply(seq_along(z), function(i) sum(z[time(z) <= time(z)[i] & time(z) > time(z)[i] - 3]))
> zoo(zz, time(z))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
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