[R-SIG-Finance] New to Quantitative Modeling (Looking for starting resources/suggestions)

Harsh singhalblr at gmail.com
Tue May 31 11:00:53 CEST 2011

Hi R Finance Users,
At the outset, please pardon my vague query to this list.

I have a few years of experience in the Predictive Modeling space
having primarily worked in the Business applications industry (Market
Mix Modeling, Customer Profiling and the like).
I would like to get involved with quantitative modeling for equity and
derivatives (target market would be the National Stock Exchange (NSE)
in India)

Are there introductory resources that would allow me to get started in
a small way and work my way towards the more complex ideas ? I
primarily use R and what I want to do is to get familiar with the
jargon (betas, alphas and such) of quantitative modeling for the stock
My intention is to model daily data and make predictions on which I
can trade for profit (but of course!).

If this question has been asked before, then I apologize for re-posting.

Looking forward to your response.
Harsh Singhal
Bangalore, India

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