[R-SIG-Finance] PerformanceAnalytics: periodicity() function

Murali.Menon at avivainvestors.com Murali.Menon at avivainvestors.com
Tue Apr 26 16:40:24 CEST 2011


The variable scale is initialised as "years" in the function periodicity(), whereas the usage for other periods is 'quarterly', 'monthly' etc. This causes chart.TimeSeries() to throw an error in the

switch(freq$scale, ) code because that is looking for 'yearly', not 'years'.


> x <- structure(c(0.000452526685891801, 0.000807277725566065, -0.00263743291162857, 
0.00565791169977606, 0.000493819538511648, 0.000231269431065556, 
0.00255725013533005, -0.000576682024023798, 0.00890528425766388, 
0.00172948824027563, 0.00586017066434493, 0.00033513487703795, 
0.00281930488908796, -0.00400888331693709, -0.00336887385144884, 
-0.000525136255385699, -0.0064468192138384, 0.0064614590751907, 
-0.00111345878301972), .indexCLASS = c("POSIXt", "POSIXct"), .indexTZ = "", .CLASS = "xts", na.action = structure(c(736L, 
1082L), class = "omit", index = c(1261699200, 1303772400)), index = structure(c(1176073200, 
1178492400, 1188169200, 1198627200, 1206316800, 1209942000, 1219618800, 
1230249600, 1239577200, 1241391600, 1251673200, 1261958400, 1270422000, 
1272841200, 1283122800, 1293408000, 1293494400, 1294012800, 1303686000
), tzone = "", tclass = c("POSIXt", "POSIXct")), .Dim = c(19L, 
1L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, "AHA"), class = c("xts", "zoo"))

> chart.TimeSeries(x)
Error in if (format == "") { : argument is of length zero

> periodicity(x)$scale
[1] "years"

Is this a bug in periodicity()?

I am using PerformanceAnalytics and R 2.11.1


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