[R-SIG-Finance] re-indexing data under the zoo package

Stefan Grosse singularitaet at gmx.net
Mon Feb 28 19:05:34 CET 2011

Am 28.02.2011 18:36, schrieb Aidan Corcoran:

>> head(dq)
>         sphsxs eunrfi irhont
> 1995(1)  670.8   82.9     NA
> 1995(2)  686.0   82.9     NA
> 1995(3)  682.6   83.0     NA
> 1995(4)  692.7   82.7     NA
> 1996(1)  686.0   81.5   33.6
> 1996(2)  697.8   82.0   34.6

>> dq/dq[index(dq)==1996.00]
>      sphsxs eunrfi irhont
> 1996      1      1      1



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