[R-SIG-Finance] Free Stock Quotes - Yahoo Finance & Adjusted Closing Prices

Guy Green guygreen at netvigator.com
Wed Feb 2 03:34:06 CET 2011

For paid, but non exorbitant, data, other people have previously suggested
www.eoddata.com (I've seen www.csidata.com suggested on other non-R forums
too, but that doesn't cover Germany).

For free and especially for non-US, I haven't found a better source than
Yahoo: in some respects I think Yahoo is better than some of the paid


Lui ## wrote:
> Hello Guy,
> thank you very much for your quick response... I will submit the
> "inaccuracies" I found.
> Any other good stock data provider at hand?
> Thanks a lot!
> Lui

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